The big picture

People have always had their way of seeing the world. But influenced by the twin prisms of doubt and striving for perfection, our way of seeing has changed time and again. Where would we be without a critical mind? And, more importantly, what can we achieve with it?

We invite you to join us and break the constant by questioning the concepts relevant now at the dawn of a new technological age. Breaking the constant is humanity's opportunity to create a better future and consciously forge its own path.

Talks and roundtables

PHDays hosts talks by security; professionals, closed and public; roundtables with opinion; leaders, and hands-on; labs with prominent; experts.

Hacking challenges

The venue will be filled with contests: hack an ATM, smart home, surveillance cameras, IoT devices, smart cars, and much more. At the center of the forum is The Standoff, a 30-hour cyberbattle between teams of attackers, defenders, and security operations centers (SOCs).


Fun and games

Who says hackers don't know how to have fun? PHDays will have an art exhibition, contests with arcade games, and souvenirs available for purchase.