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Accessibility is Part of OIT’s Service to Veterans

Prioritizing accessibility in all content creation formats, such as websites, emails, and PowerPoint presentations, helps provide easily understood information to all Veterans and individuals in their support network.

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  • Work With Us

    We’re always looking for partners to work with us that will help us meet the needs of our stakeholders.

  • Work For Us

    We’re looking for the best and brightest to join us in our noble mission to care for him who has borne the battle.

In Case You Missed It

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    Information Security and Privacy Awareness Week (ISPAW) 2022. Learn how to identify and protect yourself from “vishing” scams.

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  • Call Me Ishmael – All About Whaling Scams

    Learn more about “whaling,” highly targeted phishing attacks that are aimed at senior executives of organizations like VA.

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On the Calendar

  • Leading VA's Initiatives Toward Refining EHR Governance and Management Structures to Establish Additional Rigor and Oversight

    Panel Discussion

    Event Overview

    The Spring 2022 DOD, VA and Government HIT Summit is designed as a non-partisan, educational and training “Town-Hall-style” Summit that offers a full-spectrum view towards the DoD, VA, and Federal’s efforts to provide Veterans and Active-Duty high-quality outcomes and healthcare solutions, through a single, unified, and interoperable health IT approach. This Summit will examine current initiatives across the VA to improve customer service delivered to the Veteran, from fielding innovative commercial technologies, to refining governance and management structures to continually improve the quality of care.

  • VA EHR Modernization Panel – Modernizing the VA’s EHR System Using Innovative Commercial Solutions That Will Improve the Delivery of Quality Health Care to Veterans

    Panel Discussion

    Event Overview

    Integrating a new EHR system to enhance the provider experience and promoting interoperability with the DOD and Community Care providers is now the strategic vision moving forward in the VA. This panel will detail how various senior leaders across the VA and industry are working to ensure the new EHR system will store and track patient medical information, with full implementation across all VA facilities. It will also examine current critical advancements being made in in health IT to support safe and effective care, improve patient outcomes, and save Veteran lives.

  • Transforming the Way the VA Manages its Technology & Services to Help Ensure Mission Effectiveness When Caring for Veterans


    Event Overview

    Guiding efforts to provide sufficient bandwidth to support the rapidly growing demand on the infrastructure. Accelerating Digital Transformation by tying IT investments to outcomes across the VA.

    Devising a flexible, agile enterprise supply chain portfolio to better understand the workflows, business process reengineering, and the rapidly changing technological landscape.

  • Delivering Excellent Customer Service to Veterans Through the Utilization of New Technologies to Improve Services


    Event Overview

    Leading efforts to integrate the upgraded VAMC websites as a great example of VA’s commitment to using new technologies to improve Veteran access to VA services. Expanding telehealth and IT-driven patient care capabilities during the pandemic with programs such as the chatbot which served as a useful resource to better meet Veterans’ accelerated need for information.

    Increasing the use of self-service tools and decreasing the amount of time users spend on waiting for an outcome.

Page last updated on January 20, 2022


An official website of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs

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