Our Government's Goals

Track what the U.S. Federal Government is doing about issues that matter to you.


An official website of the United States government

Statue of Liberty


What is performance.gov?

Performance.gov is a window into the performance of the Federal Government. By law, Federal agencies will report information and rich data about the progress they’re making to achieve ambitious goals on behalf of the American people. Our mission is to make this information easy to find and understand, so that you can follow what your government is doing about the issues essential to your family, community, or business.




Latest updates on how Federal agencies are serving the American people

We the People


"My public service superpower is leading teams by overseeing projects and bridging communication of all collaborators with an end result that positively impacts Veterans."

Ruth "Lisa" Plaza
Department of Veterans Affairs
Dr. Rebecca Kruse's photo

"My superpower is a fusion of tireless enthusiasm, persistence, and focus for harnessing evidence to design and deliver government programs that really work for the American public."

Dr. Rebecca Kruse
Department of Homeland Security
Kellie Riley's photo

"I'm proud to be a public servant because every day of my Federal career I have worked closely with people who are committed to public service and who, often without credit or recognition, work tirelessly for the good of the American people. I could not be prouder to call them my colleagues and friends."

Kellie Riley
Office of Personnel Management
Ilona Palmer's photo

"I'm proud to be a public servant because when I'm 80, I want to be able to look back and say that I devoted myself to something that was worthwhile."

Ilona Palmer