Increase subscriptions revenue up to 30% in 2 months with A/B testing for paywalls. Run monetization experiments 2х faster and cheaper.
Implement in-app subscriptions and purchases. Restore, validate receipt in your app with our mobile SDK.
No server code required!
// Your app’s code
import { adapty, activateAdapty } from "react-native-adapty";
const App: = () => {
useEffect(() => {
activateAdapty({ sdkKey: PUBLIC_SDK_KEY });
const result = await adapty.purchases.makePurchase('product_id');
// If makePurchase didn't throw an error, everything's fine
// Your app's code
await Adapty.activate("PUBLIC_SDK_KEY",
customerUserId: "YOUR_USER_ID");
// Make a purchase, Adapty handles the rest
final MakePurchaseResult makePurchaseResult =
if (makePurchaseResult?.purchaserInfo?.accessLevels
['premium'].isActive) {
// grant access to premium features
// Your app's code
Adapty.identify("your_user_id", this);
// Make a purchase, Adapty handles the rest
Adapty.makePurchase(product, null, this);
public void OnMakePurchase(PurchaserInfoModel purchaserInfo, string receipt, Dictionary<string, object> validationResult, ProductModel product, AdaptyError error) {
if (error == null) {
// successful purchase
Measure your app economy from trials to refunds with real-time analytics.
Explore analytics ⟶Run A/B tests for paywalls to find best prices and offers for your users without app releases.
Explore A/B testing ⟶Instant integration with analytical, attribution and ad services.
Explore Integrations ⟶Adapty helps our product VocApp optimise marketing campaigns. It helped cut down of CAC
Very simple SDK and analytics dashboard that takes all the pain of developing and supporting in app purchases on iOS and Android. AB testing for subscriptions makes...
People at Adapty are always improving their product and are really passionate about helping subscription businesses thrive. They not only keep in touch with...
Best in-class multiplatform in-app purchases solution. Most of all, I was impressed by the responsiveness of the Adapty team. They always listen to users' opinions and bring new features to the product on a regular basis.
Your assistant with in-app subscriptions: SDK, Client CRM, Analytics, Paywall a/b testing
Great product and an amazing support team, which reacts quickly to all the features requested by my team. Some of the requested features are already implemented, some of them are in development.