Eating disorder treatment that works

Delivered at home
Is it an eating disorder?

“I saw natural joy in my child for the first time in a long while.”

Mom of 12 year old boy with anorexia

Eating disorder treatment that works

“I saw natural joy in my child for the first time in a long while.”

Mom of 12 year old boy with anorexia

Eating disorder treatment that works

Eating disorder treatment that works

Delivered at home
Is it an eating disorder?

Your dedicated, virtual, five-person care team

Evidence-based treatment built to integrate with everyday life
Peer mentor
Peer mentor
Family mentor
Family mentor

Treatment should be affordable and accessible.

Equip Health
Equip Health
Equip Health
Equip Health
Equip Health
Equip Health
Equip Health
Equip Health
Equip Health
Equip Health
and more...

5 million

5 million

Americans will develop an eating disorder this year

You’re not alone
You’re not alone

Eating disorders are up 70% since the start of the pandemic, affecting all genders, races, ethnicities, ages and socio-economic groups

This is serious
This is serious

Eating disorders have the 2nd highest mortality rate of all mental illnesses

Early treatment is critical
Early treatment is critical

Getting the right help as early as possible means lower likelihood of relapse and higher likelihood of lasting recovery

We’ve been there.

Equip was built by clinical experts in the eating disorder field and people in lasting recovery.

About Us
Why Equip

Evidence-Based Treatment – Amplified

We use the Family Based Treatment (FBT) method – the most effective evidence-based care for young people – to empower families to help loved ones overcome their eating disorders.
Dedicated 5-Person Team

Each patient has a dedicated team including a peer mentor, family mentor, physician, therapist and dietitian, for a comprehensive circle of care that stays with your family.

Build a Life Worth Living While Living Life

Equip's treatment is accessible, affordable, and fits around your family so your family doesn't have to fit life around treatment.

Virtual By Design

Virtual care frees up time and resources for your family to pursue everyday activities and be invested in life -- through friendships, hobbies, and all that makes life worth living.

Is it an eating disorder or a phase?
Learn more

Eating disorder causes are complex, and not as important as getting the right treatment.


Eating disorders are complex brain disorders with strong genetic, neurobiological and psychological underpinnings. No single person, experience, or issue causes an eating disorder. They often co-occur with and can be hidden by anxiety disorders, depression, OCD, PTSD, and substance use disorder. The good news is that we don't need to know the exact cause of your child's eating disorder to treat it effectively.


Researchers are still learning what triggers or "turns on" eating disorders in the brain. For many, it seems to come from a negative energy balance caused from more calories out than in which can be triggered by a diet, over-exercise, stomach bug, or surgery. Once that imbalance occurs, a switch flips in the brain, turning the eating disorder on and tyrannizing the brain.


Many people use disordered eating behaviors, such as bingeing, purging, excessive exercise, and restricting, to help regulate or soothe their emotions – similar to the use of alcohol or self-harm to escape difficult feelings. When these behaviors are used frequently to manage emotions, it goes from 'disordered eating' to being an 'eating disorder.'


Societal and cultural factors such as the pandemic, diet culture, and social media can trigger an eating disorder for those with a genetic predisposition and/or can trigger big emotions that people try to combat with disordered behaviors.

Families don't cause eating disorders, but they're at the heart of lasting recovery.

“I feel like I can exhale for the first time since this nightmare started and I am very grateful.”

Father of 8th grader with bulimia - week 2 of treatment

Eating disorder treatment that works

Recovery is possible and within reach

Does your loved one have an eating disorder?

Get a Consultation

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