
On Demand Webinar

Password Reset: Claiming Control of Credentials to Stop Attacks

ON-DEMAND EVENT: This FREE Threatpost Security Roundtable, built for infosec professionals, centers on enterprise credential management, the new password basics and mitigating post-credential breaches.

Password Reset: On-Demand Event: Fortify 2022 with a password security strategy built for today’s threats. This Threatpost Security Roundtable, built for infosec professionals, centers on enterprise credential management, the new password basics and mitigating post-credential breaches. Join Darren James, with Specops Software and Roger Grimes, defense evangelist at KnowBe4 and Threatpost host Becky Bracken.
Register & Stream this FREE session today – sponsored by Specops Software.

Takeaways Include:

    • What makes a good password?
    • Credential management for the enterprise.
    • How to mitigate a post-credential breach. 

Learn how modern cybergangs are exploiting sloppy password hygiene and how to streamline smart password management across an organization.

Threatpost Panelists

Darren James – Product Specialist and Technical Lead at Specops Software

With more than 20 years in IT, and a decade with Specops, Darren has worked as consultant across many sectors and  organizations, from central and local governments to retail and energy companies. He specializes in Active Directory, Azure AD and Group Policy.


Roger Grimes

Roger A. Grimes – Data-Driven Defense Evangelist at KnowBe4.

Roger Grimes is a 30-year computer security professional, author of 12 books and over 1,000 national magazine articles. He frequently consults with the world’s largest and smallest companies, and militaries, and he has seen what does and doesn’t work. Grimes was a weekly security columnist for InfoWorld and CSO magazines from 2005 – 2019. He regularly presents at national computer security conferences, and has been interviewed by national magazines and radio shows, including Newsweek magazine and NPR’s All Things Considered. Roger is known for his often contrarian, fact-filled viewpoints.


Becky Bracken – Threatpost Journalist and Webinar Producer

Becky Bracken is a Threatpost journalist who produces and hosts Threatpost’s webinar series.


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