MariaDB Server: The open source relational database

Celebrating Olivier Bertrand of the CONNECT Engine

Please join MariaDB Foundation in giving a bit of financial recognition to Olivier Bertrand, the developer behind the CONNECT Storage Engine! We will match your contribution up to a total of 5.000 €, on top of the 5.000 € …

MariaDB Server Documentation as PDF

MariaDB Server Documentation is now released as a single PDF file, browsable offline. Download the over 3000 pages and check it out!
Better late than never
Some things take long! …

Create statefulset MariaDB application in K8s

In the previous blog we created a stateless application, deployed with K8s resource Deployment, which allows one to replicate the application, but where data is lost when Pods are restarted, meaning there were no data consistency. …

MariaDB & K8s: Create a Secret and use it in MariaDB deployment

In the previous blog we created a stateless application, deployed it with K8s resource Deployment, and exposed the root password, which, regarding security, is of course not recommended. …