Contact us

General Inquiries

If you are inquiring about our live vacancies, please visit our careers page here. Regrettably, we do not accept speculative CVs. All applications must be submitted through the online recruitment system.

If you are inquiring about work experience, internships or placements opportunities, please visit our entry level opportunities page here. Regrettably, we do not accept speculative CVs. All applications for our entry level opportunities must be submitted through the online recruitment system.

Due to coronavirus, some of our entry level opportunities are on-hold until further notice. Unfortunately we cannot offer online or remote working for our Editorial work experiences.

If you are inquiring about freelance contributors, please visit our contributions page here 

If you are inquiring about our editorial departments or desks, please visit our contact us page here

Application Inquiries

If you are inquiring about a recent application you've made you can contact our recruitment teams via the following:

UK [email protected]
US [email protected]  
Australia [email protected]