
Ensuring CSIRT teams are well trained is a prerequisite for FIRST to be successful in its mission. Most security incidents do on occur in isolation. CSIRTs thus need competent partners around the globe to collaboratively respond effectively.

Today it's generally accepted that organisations, from nation states to enterprises, need incident response capabilities. Yet many of these CSIRTs have yet to attain the necessary know-how and need to become part of the global trust communities to effectively handle incidents.

In 2014 FIRST thus announced the FIRST Education Program.

The program has the following outcomes:

  1. Services Frameworks: Creating a foundation on which to build the actual training modules. These Services Frameworks provide a comprehensive and structured catalogue of activities a CSIRT or PSIRT may provide. The Frameworks recognize the different natures of PSIRTs and CSIRTs.

  2. Training materials: Based on the Services Frameworks FIRST will provide, and where necessary create, Training material. FIRST will ensure that all its material will be available free of charge, not only to its members, but to everyone.

  3. Training delivery: FIRST will, together with its partners, deliver quality trainings a low costs. FIRST aims at coming up with a sustainable funding model for training delivery.


Education Program Flyer


For any questions regarding the education activities of FIRST please write to: [email protected]