White Terror (Taiwan)

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White Terror (Taiwan)
Part of Chinese Civil War, Retreat of the government of the Republic of China to Taiwan, and Cold War
228 by Li Jun.jpg
The Horrifying Inspection by Taiwanese paintmaker Li Jun. It describes the hostile environment in Taiwan shortly after the February 28 incident, which marked the start of the White Terror period
LocationTaiwan (Taiwan Area of the Republic of China)
TargetLeftists, political dissidents, intellectuals
Attack type
Politicide, mass murder, political repression, police state
Deaths3,000 to 4,000 executed, not including 228 incident or extrajudicial executions[1]
VictimsAt least 140,000 imprisoned
PerpetratorsGovernment of the Republic of China (Taiwan) under the Kuomintang (KMT)
MotiveConsolidate rule over Taiwan after retreat from mainland China

In Taiwan, the White Terror (Chinese: 白色恐怖; pinyin: Báisè Kǒngbù) is used to describe the political repression on civilians living on the island and the surrounding areas under its control by the government under the rule of the Kuomintang (KMT).[2] The period of White Terror is generally considered to have begun when martial law was declared in Taiwan on 19 May 1949, which were enabled by the 1948 Temporary Provisions against the Communist Rebellion, and ended on 21 September 1992 with the repeal of Article 100 of the Criminal Code, which allowed for the prosecution of people for "anti-state" activities; the Temporary Provisions were repealed a year earlier on 22 April 1991 and martial law was lifted on 15 July 1987.[3][4]

The period of White Terror generally does not include the 228 Incident of 1947, in which the KMT killed at least 18,000 Taiwanese civilians in response to a popular uprising and also summarily executed many local political and intellectual elites, though the two are frequently discussed in tandem as it was the catalyst which motivated the KMT to begin the White Terror.[5][6] Martial law was declared and lifted twice during the 228 Incident.

Following the 228 Incident, the KMT retreated from mainland China to Taiwan during the closing stages of the Chinese Civil War in 1949. Wanting to consolidate its rule on its remaining territories, the KMT imposed harsh political suppression measures, which included enacting martial law, executing suspected leftists or those they suspected to be sympathetic toward the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).[7] Others targeted included Taiwanese locals and indigenous peoples who participated in the 228 Incident, such as Uyongʉ Yata'uyungana, and those accused of dissidence for criticizing the government.[8]

The KMT carried out persecutions against those who criticized or opposed the government, accusing them of attempting to subvert the regime, while excessively expanding the scope of punishment throughout this period.[9] It made use of the Taiwan Garrison Command, a secret police, as well as other intelligence units by enacting special criminal laws as tools for the government to purge dissidents.[10] Basic human rights and the right to privacy were disregarded, with mass pervasive monitoring of the people, filings of sham criminal cases against anyone who were suspected as being a dissident, as well as labelling any individuals who were not conforming a pro-regime stance as being communist spies, often without merit.[11] It is estimated that about 3,000 to 4,000 civilians were executed by the government during White Terror.[1] The government was also suspected of carrying out extrajudicial killings.[a]

Pro-democracy demonstrations attempted during this period, such as the Kaohsiung Incident, were harshly suppressed. With strong backing from the United States,[citation needed] the KMT ruled as a one-party state, with the existence of any other political parties strictly outlawed, resulting in non-existent competitive elections; unapproved tangwai candidates that won elections such as Hsu Hsin-liang would be spuriously impeached and often forced into exile.[12] Even so, such restricted elections were marred by overt voter fraud, most notably during the Zhongli incident. The repression that characterized the White Terror has been compared by scholars to fascist regimes elsewhere, particularly Nazi Germany.[13] The legacy of authoritarianism during White Terror in Taiwan has persisted into the following decades.[14]

Time period[edit]

White Terror
Literal meaningWhite Terror

White Terror is generally considered to have begun with the declaration of martial law on 19 May 1949. For its ending date, some sources cite the lifting of martial law in 15 July 1987,[15] while others cite the repeal of Article 100 of the Criminal Code on 21 September 1992, which allowed for the persection of people for "anti-state" activities.[3] Martial law officially lasted for almost four decades,[b] which had been the longest period of martial law in the world at the time it was lifted. It is now the second longest, after Syria's 48-year period of martial law which lasted from 1963 to 2011.[16]

Most prosecutions took place between the first two decades as the KMT wanted to consolidate its rule on the island. Most of those prosecuted were labeled by the Kuomintang (KMT) as "bandit spies" (匪諜), meaning communist spies, and punished as such, often with execution.[15] A Wang Jingwei quote, often misattributed to Chiang Kai-shek, once famously said that he would rather "mistakenly kill 1,000 innocent people than allow one communist to escape".[17][18]

The KMT mostly imprisoned Taiwan's intellectual and social elite out of fear that they might resist KMT rule or sympathize with communism.[1] For example, the Formosan League for Reemancipation was a Taiwanese independence group established in 1947 which the KMT believed to be under communist control, leading to its members being arrested in 1950. The World United Formosans for Independence was persecuted for similar reasons. However, other prosecutions did not have such clear reasoning; in 1968 Bo Yang was imprisoned for his choice of words in translating a Popeye comic strip. A large number of the White Terror's other victims were mainland Chinese, many of whom owed their evacuation to Taiwan to the KMT.[19]

Many mainlander victims of White Terror, such as Bo Yang and Li Ao, moved on to promote Taiwan's democratization and the reform of the Kuomintang. In 1969, future president Lee Teng-hui was detained and interrogated for more than a week by the Taiwan Garrison Command, which demanded to know about his "communist activities" and told him "killing you at this moment is as easy as crushing an ant to death." Three years later he was invited to join the cabinet of Chiang Ching-kuo.[20]

Fear of discussing the White Terror and the February 28 Incident gradually decreased with the lifting of martial law after the 1987 Lieyu Massacre,[21] culminating in the establishment of an official public memorial and an apology by President Lee Teng-hui in 1995. In 2008, President Ma Ying-jeou addressed a memorial service for the White Terror in Taipei. Ma apologized to the victims and their family members on behalf of the government and expressed the hope that Taiwan would never again experience a similar tragedy.[22]


A Taiwanese political dissident after and prior to his execution

Around 140,000 Taiwanese were imprisoned under harsh treatment during this period, with many either indirectly dying or suffering various health problems in the process. About 3,000 to 4,000 were directly executed for their real or perceived opposition to the KMT's Chiang Kai-shek government.[1] Most of the victims of the White Terror were men, however, a number of women were tortured and/or executed.[23]



Since the lifting of martial law in 1987, the government has set up the 228 Incident Memorial Foundation, a civilian reparations fund supported by public donations for the victims and their families. However, there was never a proper truth and reconciliation commission. Many descendants of victims remain unaware that their family members were victims, while many of the families of victims, especially from Mainland China, did not know the details of their relatives' mistreatment during the riot.



  • Vern Sneider's novel A Pail of Oysters in 1953 was based on the officer's personal field survey revealing people's life in Taiwanese society under suppression in 1950s, was banned by Chinese Nationalists' authorities until being reissued in 2016 – 35 years after his death.[60][61][62][63]
  • Tehpen Tasi's autobiography Elegy of Sweet Potatoes (Japanese: 臺湾のいもっ子) in 1994, based on his testimony with the other political prisoners together for 13 months in 1954–1955.[64][65]
  • Julie Wu's The Third Son in 2013 describes the event and its aftermath from the viewpoint of a Taiwanese boy.[66]
  • Jennifer J. Chow's The 228 Legacy in 2013 focuses on how there was such an impact that it permeated throughout multiple generations within the same family.[67]
  • Shawna Yang Ryan's Green Island in 2016 tells the story of the incident as it affects three generations of a Taiwanese family.[68]
  • Ken Liu's The Paper Menagerie & Other Short Stories in 2016 includes a short story titled The Literomancer which references the 228 incident from the perspective of a young American girl who had recently moved to Taiwan, and asks both her father, who works on an American military base, and a neighbor, and old man named Mr. Kan about the incident. It develops on these two different perspectives throughout the story, becoming progressively darker.
  • Principle Jian Tian-lu's Hushen, a 2019 literature award winner expresses the humanity concern in contrast with the brutality on the first scene of 1987 Lieyu massacre.[69]


  • In 2014, Sharp Point Press and Future-Digi publicized the Rainy Port Keelung with 3 light novels telling a love story in the background of Keelung Massacre during the Feb. 28 incident.[70]
  • In 2017, Taiwanese game developer Red Candle Games launched Detention, a survival horror video game created and developed for Steam. It is a 2D atmospheric horror side-scroller set in 1960s Taiwan under martial law following the 228 incident. The critically acclaimed game also incorporates religious elements based on Taiwanese culture and mythology. Rely On Horror gave the game a 9 out of 10, saying that "every facet of Detention moves in one harmonious lockstep towards an unavoidable tragedy, drowning out the world around you."[71]
  • In 2017, Erotes Studio produced Blue Blood Lagoon with the story of high-school students running for life to escape from the bloodshed of military conscription arrest, prosecution and execution during the July 13 Penghu incident.[72]
  • In 2019, Team Padendon publicized a ghost RPG PAGUI based on a true family story of the Kaohsiung Massacre victims in Feb. 28 Incident: An orphan raised by a temple uncovered his identity and looked for his dispersed family for over 60 years with no result until he died; an old lady in her 90s heard the news arrives but only find her son in the coffin.[73][74]
  • In 2020, MatchB Studio produced an adventure puzzle Halflight with two brothers playing near a base witnessed an execution site upon the Feb. 28 incident, and one fell missing in chaos, followed by the family being persecuted apart, so the little boy went back trying to find the younger brother, but only stepped into the worse ending in 50 years.[75][76]


See also[edit]

Notes and references[edit]


  1. ^ See Henry Liu and Chen Wen-chen.
  2. ^ 38 years and 57 days.


  1. ^ a b c d Huang, Tai-lin (20 May 2005). "White Terror exhibit unveils part of the truth". Taipei Times. p. 2.
  2. ^ Rubinstein, Murray A. (2007). Taiwan: A New History. Armonk, N.Y.: M. E. Sharpe. p. 302. ISBN 9780765614957.
  3. ^ a b "White Terror Period". National Human Rights Museum. Retrieved 8 January 2022.
  4. ^ "Taiwan: Amendment of Article 100 of the Criminal Code". Amensty International.
  5. ^ 楊碧川. "嘉義的228故事:濫殺槍決,血染機場、火車站". The Reporter (Taiwan). Retrieved 8 January 2022.
  6. ^ Sui, Cindy (13 March 2016). "Taiwan Kuomintang: Revisiting the White Terror years". BBC News. Retrieved 1 January 2022.
  7. ^ Fuchs, Chris (27 February 2017). "30 years after end of martial law, scars from Taiwan's 'White Terror' remain". NBC News. Retrieved 1 January 2022.
  8. ^ Chen, Yu-fu; Hetherington, William (30 August 2021). "Aboriginal White Terror period victims remembered - Taipei Times". taipeitimes.com. Retrieved 1 January 2022.
  9. ^ Hale, Erin (10 December 2021). "Book review: Stories from Taiwan's "White Terror"". Nikkei Asia. Retrieved 1 January 2022.
  10. ^ Bodenner, Chris (7 December 2016). "Is Taiwan Really a Beacon of Freedom? - The Atlantic". www.theatlantic.com. Retrieved 1 January 2022.
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  13. ^ Hartnett, Stephen J.; Shaou-Whea Dodge, Patrick; Keränen, Lisa B. (May 23, 2019). "Postcolonial remembering in Taiwan: 228 and transitional justice as "The end of fear"". Journal of International and Intercultural Communication. 13 (3): 238–256. doi:10.1080/17513057.2019.1614206. Retrieved January 18, 2022.
  14. ^ Morris, James X. (27 February 2019). "The 228 Incident Still Haunts Taiwan". thediplomat.com. Retrieved 1 January 2022.
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Works cited[edit]

English language[edit]

Chinese language (Traditional)[edit]

  • 藍博洲,1991,幌馬車之歌。台北:時報文化。
  • 藍博洲,1993,白色恐怖。台北:揚智。
  • 魏廷朝,1997,台灣人權報告書,1949–1995。台北:文英堂。
  • 台灣省文獻委員會編,1998,台灣地區戒嚴時期五零年代政治案件史料彙編(一):中外檔案。南投:台灣省文獻委員會。
  • 呂芳上計劃主持,1999,戒嚴時期台北地區政治案件相關人士口述歷史:白色恐怖事件查訪(上)。台北:台北市文獻委員會。
  • 朱德蘭,2001,崔小萍事件,南投:省文獻會。
  • 任育德,2003,從口述史看1950年代政治案件的女性受刑人,近代中國第154期。
  • 曹欽榮、鄭南榕基金會,2012,流麻溝十五號:綠島女生分隊及其他,臺北市,書林出版。
  • 顏世鴻,2012,青島東路三號:我的百年之憶及台灣的荒謬年代,臺北市,啟動文化。
  • 余杰,2014,在那明亮的地方 : 台灣民主地圖 ,臺北市,時報文化。
  • 向陽主編,2016, 打破暗暝見天光,新北市,國家人權博物館籌備處。

External links[edit]