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Press Release

Federal budget starts competition reform but bungles copyright

Updates to the Competition Act must go further to provide true consumer protection.
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Privacy quiz!

Find out what province you should move to to get the privacy protections you care about.
Press Release

Cabinet decision denies Canadians affordable connectivity

Upholding the CRTC’s 2021 MVNO decision commits Canada to high cell phone prices
Press Release

Connecting Families 2.0 is a band-aid to our deep telecom problems

Without competition in our telecom markets, low-income families will always be playing catchup
Image for What’s wrong with Bill C-11? An FAQ

What’s wrong with Bill C-11? An FAQ

Common questions and answers on Bill C-11
Press Release

Disastrous Rogers-Shaw Buyout approved by CRTC

Canada’s institutions are cheerleading our telecom oligopoly getting worse
Image for Your voice, DELIVERED: OpenMedia’s latest petition to stop Rogers from buying Shaw is in!

Your voice, DELIVERED: OpenMedia’s latest petition to stop Rogers from buying Shaw is in!

To date, the OpenMedia community has called on the government a whopping 34,700+ times to block Rogers-Shaw. Talk about a deafening response!
Press Release

OpenMedia community joins parliamentarians in condemning Rogers-Shaw deal

INDU committee has it right: this buyout is bad for Canada under any conditions.
Image for We need a pro-consumer, pro-Internet CRTC chair!

We need a pro-consumer, pro-Internet CRTC chair!

We have a once-in-5-years shot to appoint a CRTC Chair who works for the people, not Big Telecom. Help make this happen! Take action.

OpenMedia works to keep the Internet open, affordable, and surveillance-free. We create community-driven campaigns to engage, educate, and empower people to safeguard the Internet.

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