Headless CMS


  1. Content (body) is separated from presentation layer (head)

  2. Content is delivered via API

  3. Multiple platforms can easily access the same content.

  4. Quickly connect apps & mobile sites to your data.

Since the early days of web development Content Management Systems (CMS) have been used to store and present elements like text, images and video on websites. Now with a proliferation of digital platforms, businesses need content displayed across, not only websites, but mobile sites, apps, digital displays and more. 

With the traditional CMS approach however, all content is lumped together in one place, tangled up in code, making it impossible to share information across various platforms.

Now a better way to manage content has been created known as headless CMS. By separating where the content is stored “body” from the presentation layer “head”, content is brought together into one hub, then delivered via API's for seamless presentation across different platforms. As a result, developers are able to manage content more efficiently, they are able to build faster, make adjustments to personalise and optimise and integrate with hundreds of tools. The flow on effect for business is huge. Time wasted duplicating information from one digital platform to another is eliminated. Editing is seamless and content is unified, delivering a superior digital experience across multiple channels.

Cucumber are experts in implementing Headless CMS. We look after the hosting, the deployment pipelines and all the technical aspects of a website or app. This ensures the most reliable and fast solution possible.

The CMS we favour at the moment is Directus but we are not tied down to this choice and will select the CMS that best matches the requirement.

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