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Knowledge Base

Restore a Site in Pressable using the Automated Restore Tool

No matter how experienced you are with WordPress, there come times when things just break – it could be from a bad plugin update or a line of code that you just…

Knowledge Base

How to point Porkbun DNS records to Pressable

If you are assigning a domain to your Pressable account and want to know how to update your Porkbun DNS records accordingly, we share instructions below.

Blog Article

12 Actionable Tips to Improve Your Google PageSpeed Insights Score

Google has gradually been increasing the importance of site speed as a ranking signal since mobile-first indexing was introduced in 2016. In their own words, “Speed equals revenue.” When a page takes too long to…

Blog Article

The Comprehensive Guide to SEO: How to Rank On Google in 2022

To rank on Google in 2022, you’ll need to follow these comprehensive search engine optimization (SEO) tips. By optimizing your website and improving your content, you can make sure that you’re seen first by potential…

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5 Things To Look For In A WooCommerce Hosting Provider

If you’re planning on running an eCommerce website using the WooCommerce plugin for WordPress, you need to find the best WooCommerce hosting service. However, if you’re new to the world of WordPress…

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5 Pro Tips for Building a Killer WooCommerce Store

Are you about to build your first managed WordPress hosted online store? If so, one excellent way to do so is with WooCommerce. This platform allows you a range of options for…

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What Agencies Need to be Thinking About in 2022

2022 is here and the internet landscape has unfolded unlike anyone expected. So what can an agency do to best prepare for what lies ahead in the coming years? Josh from Big…

Free Webinar

How to Create a Multilingual Online Store with WooCommerce + Weglot

Do you have a WooCommerce store? Now, is that WooCommerce store set up and optimized to bring in customers that speak languages other than English? In this webinar, we talk with Thomas…