www.belgium.be Logo of the federal government

At Home

Safeonweb.be informs and advises about cybersecurity and main actual digital threats.

At Work

For more information, advice, and useful links on how to protect computers and networks at work.

At government

Guidelines for the various information systems of public institutions. Training for federal public officials.

Vital Sectors

Various projects protecting Belgium’s Vital Industries against cyber-attacks.

At School

More information about cyber education and internet safety in schools.


CERT.be is the operational service of the CCB and delivers security quality in the cybersecurity domain.

National Coordination Centre

The National Coordination Centre for Investing in Cybersecurity (NCC) manages the financial support from the European investment programmes.



This reference guide or 'Cyberguide'  is an online tool to guide you and your organization towards a better cyber security strategy. Through 4 categories we  offer an overview of basic and more advanced cyber security measures. For each measure you will find a description, practical information and useful links to websites and tools that will help you further.

GDPR – Is your organisation handling personal data correctly?

The CCB and the Cyber Security Coalition have released the GDPR CheckUp to help small and medium organizations to prepare themselves for the GDPR.

From the 25th of May 2018 onwards, companies and organisations operating in the European Union will have to be GDPR compliant. By completing the GDPR CheckUp, every organization can assess if they are ready to apply.

Are your IT infrastructure and files well protected? Take the FPS Economy's Cyberscan test and receive personal advice


How to quickly increase your organisation's cyber resilience?


The Russian regime does not shy away from waging an online war. Should we be worried?

developer in front of computer

Impact of the conflict in Ukraine on the level of cyber threat in Belgium


BIPT and the Centre for Cybersecurity Belgium warn of a plague of fraudulent telephone calls

mother and son

#together for a better internet! See you on 8 February 2022 for Safer Internet Day
