Web browser cookie-based opt-out

The opt-out below will set an opt-out cookie in your web browser. Later, when you are on other websites using this same browser profile, and we see the opt-out cookie, we will know the choice you have made and will act accordingly.

Important things to know about the cookie-based opt out for web browsers:

  • You will still see ads
  • This opt-out does not have to do with unsubscribing your email address from email marketing lists
  • If your opt out cookie is deleted or blocked we will not be able to see your choice
  • If you use different browser profiles or devices, you will have to opt out separately on those, since we are not able to access the opt-out cookie across different browsers or devices
  • This opt-out is for web browsers, not mobile apps or video or game platforms; see below
  • This opt-out is also not for audience matched advertising that uses identifiers based on email, phone, or other personally identifiable information; see below
  • This opt-out will stop our services from collecting and using personal information from your web browsing for targeted advertising purposes
  • You may opt out from a list of digital advertising companies by using one of the industry opt-out pages:https://youradchoices.com/ and https://optout.networkadvertising.org/ in the US, and https://youronlinechoices.com/ in Europe. There may be an industry opt out page for your region if you are not in the US or Europe.
  • This opt out will not affect your Quantcast Choice selections.

Outside of Web Browsers

The opt-out above works with web browsers. Though different browsers have different privacy settings, the underlying technology (cookies) is similar from one browser to the next because the web is standardized. 

For mobile devices, TVs, streaming boxes, game consoles, etc. every manufacturer chooses their own approach; it is not standardized. Moreover, different apps on those platforms might have their own privacy settings. 

Therefore, we try to provide guidance here, see the Network Advertising Initiative (NAI) web page which provides a lot of detailed information (though, we are not responsible for that content). Until there is better standardization on these platforms, your most reliable source is the documentation for your device and/or app.

Mobile Opt-Out

On mobile devices likes iOS or Android phones and tablets:

  • In web browsers on those devices, the browser opt-out above applies
  • For mobile apps, the technology does not enable us to set an opt-out cookie that we can access across different apps. Instead, most of these devices’ operating systems enable system-wide setting. You can look to your device instructions for details.

TVs and Other Devices

As with mobile, there is not currently a standardized type of opt out. Check your device settings and documentation.

Additionally, particular apps on tv or gaming devices might offer their own privacy settings. Again, check their settings and documentation. 

Location Data

Some devices, particularly mobile devices, offer specific settings that control the sharing of location information. See your devices’ and apps’ privacy settings and documentation.

PII-based identifiers

Some companies, with appropriate permissions, might use your email to create an identifier that can be matched across sites, apps, and devices. The Network Advertising Initiative (NAI) has a web page here that enables an opt-out from this type of identifier.

California Do Not Sell My Data

California users may click Do Not Sell My Data to submit a Do Not Sell request under the California Consumer Privacy Act. 

GDPR Rights

For data subjects covered under the GDPR, see the Data Subject Rights page.