Cookie Policy

This page contains our cookie policy. It explains which type of cookies are being used and has more in-depth information on the services we use and their cookies. Cookies do not harm your computer.

What is a cookie?
A cookie is a small text file that is stored on your computer by your web browser when visiting a website. Cookies can be used to store certain preferences of a website (e.g. you don’t have to login every time you visit the site) or track if you have visited that site before. Cookies cannot do any harm to your computer and are managed by your web browser (e.g. Google Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer).
Our cookie policy
To make full use of Usabilla and its services you need to accept cookies. Without cookies you can still visit our homepage, but you cannot log in to use our services. We need to set a cookie to check if you are logged in or not. If you would like to limit or block the usage of cookies you can do so through the cookie settings.
Would you like to change which cookies to allow? Have a look at your Cookie Settings.
Types of cookies


To make sure we give you the most relevant information about our products and pricing, we need to learn a bit about you first.

Please fill in the form to request your free, tailored demo call.

By submitting this form, you confirm that you have read and agree to Usabilla's Terms and conditions and Privacy Statement.