Blue Yonder's Sustainability Commitment

Building sustainable supply chains and reducing waste

Blue Yonder is committed to environmental responsibility by developing solutions that help our customers meet their sustainability goals. As an organization, we conduct business responsibly and proactively to reduce our environmental impact. We strive to conserve natural resources and minimize waste through reducing our global real estate footprint, improving workspace design, increasing employee awareness, reducing power usage, participating in recycling programs, and encouraging associates to reduce travel by using collaboration tools and programs available. 

Green Awards and Certifications

2021 Bronze EcoVadis CSR Rating

Blue Yonder has been awarded a Bronze medal as a recognition of their EcoVadis CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) Rating

LEED CS & Building Construction Authority Green Mark Platinum Award

Blue Yonder's Singapore office is certified LEED Platinum

NABERS 5 Stars

Blue Yonder's Sydney office earned a NABERS 5.0 Star rating

LEED Gold Award

Blue Yonder's Munich and Hyderabad offices are certified LEED Gold
White Paper

Being Green by Going Blue

Businesses are in a unique position to start making smarter decisions that consider not only profit, but the environment and humankind. With the use of powerful new technologies, these factors are no longer mutually exclusive.

Delivering a Fresh, Sustainable Grocery Experience

Delivering a fresh experience in grocery is dependent on multiple supply chains, each with their unique challenges. Learn about these challenges and solutions to them in this infographic.


Discover a Fresh Approach to Sustainability

Learn how to freshen up your approach to sustainability by embedding artificial intelligence (AI) into your core supply chain and merchandising processes in this infographic.


Operating Responsibly During a Pandemic

As the COVID-19 crisis continues to keep many brick-and-mortar retailers closed, the industry is finding itself with excess inventory in many areas. Here are a few strategies companies are implementing to shield against excess inventory.

How Supply Chains Save the World

Learn more about how AI-enabled supply chains can save the world by reading our white paper.