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2019-nCoV爆發地圖:      100,000宗確診或以上      10,000–99,999宗確診      1,000–9,999宗確診      100–999宗確診      10–99宗確診      1–9宗確診      冇確診,冇人住或冇數據



地方[a] 確診[b] 死亡[c] 康復[d] 參考
全世界[e] 508,990,619 6,216,381 無數據 [2]
美國[f] 35,209,918 619,120 無數據 [9]
印度 33,766,707 448,339 33,043,144 [10]
巴西 19,985,817 558,432 18,746,865 [11][12]
俄羅斯[g] 6,356,784 161,715 5,679,842 [13]
英國[h] 4,234,924 124,987 無數據 [15]
法國[i] 3,932,862 89,301 無數據 [16][17]
西班牙[j] 3,164,983 71,727 無數據 [18]
意大利 3,123,368 100,811 2,535,483 [19]
阿根廷[k] 1,399,418 37,941 1,226,649 [21]
哥倫比亞 1,280,487 36,019 1,181,753 [22]
墨西哥 1,078,594 104,242 803,581 [23]
德國[l] 1,005,307 15,767 675,847 [25][24]
秘魯 956,347 35,785 887,019 [26][27]
波蘭 941,112 15,568 494,869 [28]
中國大陸[m] 909,723 13,316 81,558 [29]
伊朗 908,346 46,689 633,275 [30]
南非 778,571 21,289 716,444 [31][32]
烏克蘭[n] 677,189 11,717 317,395 [33][34]
比利時[o] 564,967 16,077 無數據 [36][37]
智利[p] 545,662 15,235 521,247 [41]
伊拉克 544,670 12,125 474,376 [42]
土耳其[q] 518,399 13,014 388,771 [47]
印尼 6,045,660 156,199 5,880,319 [48]
捷克 511,520 7,779 431,874 [49]
荷蘭[r] 503,123 9,184 無數據 [51][52]
孟加拉 456,438 6,524 371,453 [53][54]
羅馬尼亞 449,349 10,712 323,514 [55][56]
菲律賓 424,297 8,242 387,266 [57][58]
巴基斯坦 386,198 7,843 334,392 [59]
沙地阿拉伯 356,389 5,840 345,215 [60]
加拿大[s] 351,133 11,776 280,005 [63]
摩洛哥[t] 340,684 5,619 289,808 [64]
以色列[u] 333,084 2,834 320,821 [65]
瑞士[v] 313,978 4,109 222,100 [66][67]
葡萄牙 280,394 4,209 193,944 [68][69]
奧地利 266,038 2,773 196,342 [70]
瑞典 236,355 6,622 無數據 [71]
尼泊爾 227,640 1,412 209,435 [72]
約旦 203,021 2,509 135,650 [73]
匈牙利 192,047 4,229 49,616 [74]
厄瓜多爾 188,138 13,316 164,009 [75][76]
阿聯酋 163,967 564 151,870 [77]
巴拿馬 158,532 3,002 139,356 [78]
塞爾維亞[w] 148,214 1,366 無數據 [79]
玻利維亞 144,276 8,933 120,209 [80]
科威特 141,547 872 134,750 [81]
多明尼加 139,396 2,315 113,263 [82]
卡塔爾 138,066 237 135,198 [83]
日本[x] 137,261 2,022 116,378 [84]
哥斯達黎加 134,520 1,674 812,611 [85]
保加利亞 133,060 3,367 42,620 [86][87]
亞美尼亞 130,870 2,068 103,055 [88]
白俄羅斯 130,012 1,128 108,769 [89]
哈薩克 128,400 1,990 114,821 [90][91]
阿曼 122,579 1,391 113,856 [92][93]
黎巴嫩 122,200 974 72,152 [94]
危地馬拉 119,989 4,107 108,854 [95]
格魯吉亞[y] 118,690 1,124 98,781 [96]
克羅地亞 115,626 1,552 92,349 [97]
埃及[z] 114,475 6,596 102,268 [98]
埃塞俄比亞 107,669 1,672 67,001 [99][100]
洪都拉斯 106,116 2,888 47,006 [101][102]
阿塞拜疆[aa] 106,101 1,256 68,572 [103]
摩爾多瓦[ab] 102,894 2,229 90,485 [104]
斯洛伐克 101,257 749 56,378 [105]
委內瑞拉 100,817 880 95,669 [106]
希臘 97,288 1,902 無數據 [107]
突尼西亞 92,475 3,034 67,453 [108]
巴林 86,185 340 84,335 [109]
緬甸 85,205 1,846 64,645 [110]
波斯尼亞 84,252 2,480 48,780 [111]
利比亞 80,407 1,140 51,585 [112][113]
肯雅 80,102 1,427 53,526 [114]
巴拉圭 78,878 1,691 56,025 [115]
阿爾及利亞 78,025 2,329 50,712 [116][117]
巴勒斯坦 76,727 665 60,499 [118]
烏茲別克 72,039 605 69,302 [119]
丹麥[ac] 71,654 789 56,032 [120][121]
愛爾蘭 71,494 2,036 25,097 [122][123]
吉爾吉斯 71,171 1,251 62,544 [124]
斯洛文尼亞 69,306 1,199 無數據 [125][126]
尼日利亞 66,805 1,169 62,493 [127]
馬來西亞 60,752 348 49,056 [128]
北馬其頓 58,608 1,630 36,064 [129][130]
星加坡 58,195 28 58,104 [131]
立陶宛 53,757 449 12,655 [132][133]
加納 51,225 323 50,127 [134]
波多黎各 47,345 1,052 無數據 [135][136]
阿富汗 45,402 1,737 36,177 [137]
薩爾瓦多 37,884 1,098 34,595 [138]
科索沃 37,028 963 22,690 [139]
阿爾巴尼亞 35,600 753 17,352 [140][141]
挪威[ad] 33,988 316 20,956 [144]
南韓 32,887 516 27,103 [145][146]
黑山 32,808 459 21,229 [147]
盧森堡 32,100 288 22,630 [148]
澳洲[ae] 27,867 907 25,376 [149]
芬蘭[af] 23,148 384 15,300 [152]
喀麥隆 22,692 433 21,510 [153][154]
斯里蘭卡 22,028 99 15,816 [155][156]
象牙海岸 21,148 131 20,819 [157]
烏干達 19,115 191 8,840 [158][159]
贊比亞 17,535 357 16,755 [160][161]
馬達加斯加 17,310 250 16,592 [162]
蘇丹 16,431 1,202 9,854 [163][164]
塞內加爾 15,927 330 15,540 [165]
莫桑比克 15,302 128 13,459 [166]
安哥拉 14,634 337 7,351 [167]
拉脫維亞 14,273 183 1,686 [168]
納米比亞 13,897 145 13,234 [169]
法屬波利尼西亞 13,517 70 5,167 [170][171]
馬爾代夫 12,854 46 11,681 [172]
畿內亞 12,841 75 11,853 [173][174]
民主剛果[ag] 12,365 331 11,433 [175]
塔吉克 11,932 86 11,312 [176]
愛沙尼亞 10,955 99 6,497 [177][178]
維德角 10,526 104 9,900 [179]
牙買加 10,418 239 5,615 [180][181]
頓涅茨克人民共和國[ah] 9,844 915 4,597 [182]
馬爾他 9,405 125 7,165 [183][184]
津巴布韋 9,398 274 8,297 [185]
海地 9,208 232 7,820 [186]
加蓬 9,173 59 9,016 [187]
波茨華拿[ai] 8,531 31 7,692 [189]
塞浦路斯[aj] 8,456 43 2,055 [190][191]
毛里塔尼亞 8,096 169 7,573 [192][193]
古巴[ak] 8,026 133 7,470 [194]
巴哈馬[al] 7,395 163 5,628 [195][196]
敘利亞[am] 7,225 376 3,097 [197]
安道爾 6,534 76 5,649 [198]
千里達 6,503 116 5,655 [199][200]
關島[an] 6,476 104 4,430 [9][201]
斯威士蘭 6,247 120 5,878 [202]
馬拉維 6,020 185 5,450 [203]
香港 5,867 108 5,295 [204]
盧旺達 5,750 48 5,240 [205][206]
尼加拉瓜 5,725 159 4,225 [207]
吉布提 5,661 61 5,552 [208]
剛果[ao] 5,632 93 3,887 [209][210]
阿布哈茲[ap] 5,318 68 3,616 [211]
冰島 5,312 26 5,110 [212]
蘇里南 5,305 117 5,184 [213]
圭亞那 5,189 147 4,204 [214]
赤道畿內亞 5,130 85 4,975 [215]
伯利茲 5,056 107 2,760 [216]
烏拉圭[aq] 4,988 73 3,923 [217][218]
中非共和國 4,911 63 1,924 [219][220]
阿魯巴 4,791 45 4,640 [221]
索馬里[ar] 4,445 113 3,412 [222]
馬里 4,326 146 3,044 [223]
泰國 3,942 60 3,788 [224]
甘比亞 3,726 123 3,582 [225]
南蘇丹 3,047 60 1,290 [226][227]
貝寧 2,844 43 2,515 [228][229]
多哥 2,651 61 1,885 [230]
布基納法索 2,635 68 2,426 [231][232]
畿內亞比紹 2,419 43 2,255 [233][234]
塞拉利昂 2,409 74 1,831 [235][236]
也門 2,124 611 1,474 [237]
萊索托 2,085 44 1,276 [238][239]
古拉索 1,827 3 1,043 [240]
南奧塞梯[as] 1,689 27 547 [241]
紐西蘭 1,684 25 1,599 [242]
盧甘斯克人民共和國[ah] 1,669 121 1,391 [243]
乍得 1,649 101 1,493 [244]
美屬處女群島 1,491 23 1,402 [245]
利比利亞 1,452 82 1,311 [246]
聖馬連奴 1,428 44 1,149 [247]
尼日爾 1,381 70 1,166 [248]
越南 1,321 35 1,153 [249]
索馬里蘭[at] 1,223 37 1,110 [250][251]
列支敦士登 1,208 14 1,010 [252]
羅斯福號航空母艦[an] 1,102 1 751 [253][254]
戴高樂號航空母艦[au] 1,081 0 0 [255]
北塞浦路斯[av] 1,048 5 982 [259]
荷屬聖馬丁 1,036 25 919 [260]
聖多美普林西比 982 17 926 [261]
直布羅陀 887 1 742 [262]
特克斯同凱科斯群島 746 6 700 [263]
鑽石公主號郵輪[x] 712 14 653 [264][265]
澤西島 672 32 534 [266]
蒙古 672 0 342 [267]
臺灣[aw] 625 7 555 [269]
巴布亞新畿內亞 599 7 585 [270]
科摩羅 596 7 572 [271]
布隆迪 589 1 511 [272]
摩納哥 573 3 497 [273]
法羅群島 497 0 494 [274][275]
厄立特里亞 491 0 438 [276]
毛厘士 453 10 416 [277]
阿爾察赫[ax] 404 2 337 [278]
不丹 386 0 367 [279]
馬恩島[ay] 369 25 324 [280]
柬埔寨 307 0 298 [281]
根息島 282 13 253 [282]
巴巴多斯 263 7 243 [283]
開曼羣島 250 1 236 [284]
聖盧西亞 235 2 109 [285]
百慕達 214 9 182 [286]
塞舌爾 166 0 159 [287][288]
Costa Atlantica號郵輪 148 0 148 [289][290]
汶萊 148 3 143 [291][292]
安提瓜巴布達 139 3 127 [293][294]
博奈爾 134 3 126 [295]
Greg Mortimer號郵輪[aq] 128 1 無數據 [296][297]
北馬利安納羣島 100 2 19 [298][299]
聖文森特[az] 84 0 78 [300][301]
多米尼克 77 0 63 [302][303]
英屬處女羣島 72 1 70 [304]
澳門 46 0 46 [305]
格林納達 41 0 30 [306][307]
斐濟 35 2 33 [308][309]
東帝汶 30 0 30 [310]
新喀里多尼亞 30 0 30 [311]
西撒哈拉[ba] 28 2 26 [312]
梵蒂岡 27 0 15 [313][314]
老撾 25 0 23 [315]
聖傑氏尼維斯 19 0 19 [316]
格陵蘭 17 0 17 [317][318]
福克蘭羣島 16 0 13 [319]
聖皮埃爾同密克隆 16 0 12 [320][321]
所羅門群島 16 0 5 [322]
聖猶士坦島 14 0 4 [323]
蒙塞拉特島 13 1 12 [324]
MS Zaandam號郵輪[bb] 13 4 無數據 [327][328]
Coral Princess號郵輪[bc] 12 3 無數據 [330]
SeaDream I號郵輪[bd] 9 0 無數據 [331][332]
HNLMS Dolfijn[be] 8 0 8 [333][336]
馬紹爾群島 5 0 2 [337]
薩巴島 5 0 5 [338]
安圭拉 3 0 3 [339]
美屬薩摩亞 3 0 0 [340]
瓦利斯及富圖納群島 2 0 1 [341]
薩摩亞 1 0 0 [342]
溫納圖 1 0 0 [343]
坦桑尼亞[bf] 無數據 無數據 無數據 [345][346]
截至2020年11月27號 (UTC) · History of cases · History of deaths
  1. 地方:有確診病例嘅國家、地區同跨國運輸工具。受感染嘅人嘅國籍同感染來源地可能有唔同。特別寫明咗嘅某啲國家嘅個案分散咗去各地區度。
  2. 確診:呢個數目顯示到目前為止被報告嘅累積人類感染個案。實際感染數字同病例好可能高過呢欄嘅數目。[1]各地嘅報告準則同檢測能力有差異。
  3. 死亡:各地嘅報告準則有唔同。
  4. 康復:未必同顯示實際數目對應,而且並非所有康復個案都有報告。各地嘅報告準則有唔同,而有啲國家直情唔報告康復病例。
  5. 全球確診病例、死亡同康復總數係來自莊鶴堅斯大學冠狀病毒資源中心,並唔係下列國家同地區嘅數字嘅總和。
  6. 美國
    1. 數目包括至尊公主號郵輪嘅個案。
    2. 數目唔包括幾個美國非合併屬地嘅個案,呢啲屬地包括波多黎各關島北馬利安納群島美屬處女羣島。呢4個屬地嘅個案分開列出。
    3. 並唔係所有州份同海外屬地都報告康復數據
    4. 個案包括按照美國疾控中心(CDC)指引被臨床診斷嘅。[3]
    5. 康復同死亡個案包括可能死咗嘅人同按照CDC指引完成隔離檢疫嘅人。[4][5][6]
    6. 美國國防部嘅數字自2020年4月起淨係按分枝發布,唔份本土同海外人員,而個案亦有可能報告畀當地衛生部門。[7]
    7. 喺關島嘅羅斯福號航空母艦嘅個案計入美國海軍個案總數道。
    8. 有1單來自關塔那摩灣海軍基地嘅個案,無計落任何國家或地區嘅數目道。[8] Since April 2020, the United States Department of Defense has directed all bases, including Guantanamo Bay, to not publish case statistics.[7]
  7. 俄羅斯
    1. Including cases from the disputed Crimea and Sevastopol.
    2. Excluding cases from the Diamond Princess cruise ship, which are classified as "on an international conveyance".
  8. 英國
    1. Excluding all British Overseas Territories and Crown dependencies.
    2. As of 23 March 2020, the UK government does not publish the number of recoveries. The last update on 22 March reported 135 recovered patients.[14]
  9. 法國
    1. Including overseas regions of French Guiana, Guadeloupe, Martinique, Mayotte and Réunion, and collectivities of Saint Barthélemy and Saint Martin.
    2. Excluding collectivities of New Caledonia, French Polynesia, Saint Pierre and Miquelon and Wallis and Futuna.
    3. Recoveries only include hospitalized cases.[16]
    4. Figures for total confirmed cases and total deaths include data from both hospital and nursing home (ESMS: établissements sociaux et médico-sociaux).[16]
  10. 西班牙
    1. The figure for cases excludes serology–confirmed cases.
    2. As of 19 May 2020, the Spanish government does not publish the number of recoveries. The last update on 18 May reported 150,376 recovered patients.
  11. 阿根廷
    1. Excluding confirmed cases on the claimed territory of the Falkland Islands. Since 11 April, the Argentine Ministry of Health includes them in their official reports.[20]
  12. 德國
    1. Not all state authorities count recoveries.[24]
    2. Recoveries include estimations by the Robert Koch Institute.[24][25]
  13. 中國大陸
    1. Excluding 308 asymptomatic cases under medical observation 截至2020年11月26號 (2020-11月-26).
    2. Asymptomatic cases were not reported before 31 March 2020.
    3. 唔包香港澳門特別行政區
  14. 烏克蘭
    1. Excluding cases from the disputed Crimea and Sevastopol. Cases in these territories are included in the Russian total.
    2. Excluding cases from the unrecognized Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics.
  15. 比利時
    1. The number of deaths also includes untested cases and cases in retirement homes that presumably died because of COVID-19, whilst most countries only include deaths of tested cases in hospitals.[35]
  16. 智利
    1. Including the special territory of 復活節島.
    2. The Chilean Ministry of Health considered all cases as "recovered" after 14 days since the initial symptoms of the virus, no matter the health situation of the infected or if following tests indicate the continuing presence of the virus. The only exception were casualties, which are not included as recovered.[38]
    3. Deaths only include cases with positive PCR tests and catalogued as "COVID-19 related death" by the Civil Registry and Identification Service. This number is informed on the daily reports of the Ministry of Health. A report with the total number of deaths, including suspected cases without PCR test, is released weekly since 20 June 2020.[39] In the latest report (20 November 2020), the number of total deaths is 20,052.[40]
  17. 土耳其
    1. From 29 July to 24 November 2020, the Ministry of Health did not publish the total number of positive cases. Instead, symptomatic coronavirus cases were shown as "patients".[43][44] However the current number of recoveries currently does not cover newly reported asymptomatic cases.
    2. There is an estimated 1 to 2 million undeclared asymptomatic cases based on a recent interview of Health Minister Fahrettin Koca where he stated that the death rate of COVID-19 in Turkey was lower than 1%.[45][46]
  18. 荷蘭
    1. The Kingdom of the Netherlands consists of a) the Netherlands* [the country as opposed to the kingdom; listed here], which in turn includes the Caribbean Netherlands, that are made up of the special municipalities Bonaire*, Saba* and Sint Eustatius*; b) Aruba*; c) Curaçao*; and d) Sint Maarten*. All regions marked with an asterisk are listed separately.
    2. The Dutch Government agency RIVM, responsible for the constituent country the Netherlands, does not count its number of recoveries.[50]
  19. 加拿大
    1. On 17 July 2020, Quebec, Canada, revised its criteria on recoveries. The Institut national de santé publique claims that "the previous method resulted in 'significant underestimations' of recovered cases."[61] This change resulted in a drop of active cases nationwide, from a total of 27,603 on 16 July to 4,058 on 17 July.[62]
  20. 摩洛哥
    1. Including cases in the disputed Western Sahara territory controlled by Morocco.
    2. Excluding the de facto state of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic.
  21. 以色列
    1. Including cases from the disputed Golan Heights.
    2. Excluding cases from the Occupied Palestinian Territories.
  22. 瑞士
    1. Recoveries are estimates by the Tribune de Genève.
  23. 塞爾維亞
    1. Excluding cases from the disputed territory of Kosovo.
  24. 24.0 24.1 鑽石公主號日本
    1. The British cruise ship Diamond Princess was in Japanese waters, and the Japanese administration was asked to manage its quarantine, with the passengers having not entered Japan. Therefore, this case is included in neither the Japanese nor British official counts. The World Health Organization classifies the cases as being located "on an international conveyance".
  25. 格魯吉亞
    1. Excluding the de facto states of Abkhazia and South Ossetia.
  26. 埃及
    1. Includes cases identified on the MS River Anuket.
  27. 阿塞拜疆
    1. Excluding the self-declared state of Artsakh.
  28. 摩爾多瓦
    1. Including the disputed territory of Transnistria.
  29. 丹麥
    1. The autonomous territories of the Faroe Islands and Greenland are listed separately.
  30. 挪威
    1. Estimation of the number of infected:
      • As of 23 March 2020, according to figures from just over 40 per cent of all GPs in Norway, 20,200 patients have been registered with the "corona code" R991. The figure includes both cases where the patient has been diagnosed with coronavirus infection through testing, and where the GP has used the "corona code" after assessing the patient's symptoms against the criteria by the Norwegian Institute of Public Health.[142]
      • As of 24 March 2020, the Norwegian Institute of Public Health estimates that between 7,120 and 23,140 Norwegians are infected with the coronavirus.[143]
  31. 澳洲
    1. Excluding the cases from Diamond Princess cruise ship which are classified as "on an international conveyance". Ten cases, including one fatality recorded by the Australian government.
  32. 芬蘭
    1. Including the autonomous region of the Åland Islands.
    2. The number of recoveries is an estimate based on reported cases which were reported at least two weeks ago and there is no other monitoring data on the course of the disease.[150] The exact number of recoveries is not known, as only a small proportion of patients have been hospitalized.[151]
  33. 民主剛果
  34. 34.0 34.1 Donetsk and Luhansk People's Republic
    1. Note that these territories are distinct from the Ukraine-administered regions of the Donetsk and Luhansk Oblasts.
  35. 波茨華拿
    1. 1,405 people who tested positive have been voluntarily repatriated to their respective countries and are not part of the confirmed case count as a result the Government of Botswana does not include the transferred-out cases.[188]
  36. 塞浦路斯
  37. 古巴
    1. Includes cases on the MS Braemar.
    2. Excluding cases from Guantanamo Bay, which is governed by the United States.
  38. 巴哈馬
    1. Some of these deaths may still be under investigation as stated in the Ministry's press release.
  39. 敘利亞
    1. 唔包受爭議嘅戈蘭高地嘅個案。
  40. 40.0 40.1 關島羅斯福號航空母艦
    1. Cases for the USS Theodore Roosevelt, currently docked at Guam, are reported separately.
  41. 剛果
    1. Also known as the Republic of the Congo and not to be confused with the DR Congo.
  42. 阿布哈茲
    1. Cases from this de facto state are not counted by Georgia.
  43. 43.0 43.1 Greg Mortimer號郵輪烏拉圭
    1. Although currently anchored off the coast of Uruguay, cases for the Greg Mortimer are currently reported separately. Six have been transferred inland for hospitalization.
  44. 索馬里
    1. Excluding the de facto state of Somaliland.
  45. 南奧塞梯
    1. Cases from this de facto state are not counted by Georgia.
  46. 索馬里蘭
    1. Cases from this de facto state are not counted by Somalia.
  47. 戴高樂號航空母艦
    1. Including cases on the escort frigate Chevalier Paul.
    2. Florence Parly, Minister of the Armed Forces, reported to the National Assembly's National Defense and Armed Forces Committee法文Commission de la Défense nationale et des Forces armées that 2010 sailors of the carrier battle group led by Charles de Gaulle had been tested, with 1081 tests returning positive so far.[255] Many of these cases were aboard Charles de Gaulle, some of the cases were reportedly aboard French frigate Template:Ship, and it is unclear if any other ships in the battle group had cases on board.[256][257][258]
  48. 北塞浦路斯
    1. Cases from this de facto state are not counted by Cyprus.
  49. 臺灣
    1. Including cases from the ROCS Pan Shi.[268]
  50. 阿爾察赫
    1. Cases from this de facto state are not counted by Azerbaijan.
  51. 馬恩島
    1. Recoveries are presumed. Defined as "An individual testing positive for coronavirus who completes the 14 day self-isolation period from the onset of symptoms who is at home on day 15, or an individual who is discharged from hospital following more severe symptoms."[280]
  52. 聖文森特
    1. The sovereign state of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.
  53. 阿拉伯撒哈拉民主共和國
    1. Cases from this de facto state are not counted by Morocco.
  54. MS Zaandam號郵輪
    1. Including cases from MS Rotterdam.
    2. The MS Rotterdam rendezvoused with the Zaandam on 26 March off the coast of Panama City to provide support and evacuate healthy passengers. Both have since docked in Florida.[325][326]
    3. MS Zaandam and Rotterdam's numbers are currently not counted in any national figures.
  55. Coral Princess號郵輪
    1. The cruise ship Coral Princess has tested positive cases since early April 2020 and has since docked in Miami.[329]
    2. Coral Princess's numbers are currently not counted in any national figures.
  56. SeaDream I號郵輪
    1. SeaDream I's numbers are currently not counted in any national figures.
  57. HNLMS Dolfijn
    1. All 8 cases currently associated with Dolfijn were reported while the submarine was at sea in the waters between Scotland and the Netherlands.[333]
    2. It is unclear whether the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) is including these cases in their total count, but neither their daily update details nor their daily epidemiological situation reports appear to have mentioned the ship, with a breakdown of cases listing the twelve provinces of the country of the Netherlands (as opposed to the kingdom) accounting for all the cases in the total count.[334][335]
  58. 坦桑尼亞
    1. Figures for Tanzania are "No data" as the country stopped publishing figures on coronavirus cases on 29 April.[344] Figures as of that date were 509 cases, 21 deaths, and 183 recoveries.[345][346]




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