BP Dev-Chat Summary : April 13, 2022.

BP Rewrites 1.0.0-RC1 feedbacks and next steps

@dcavins & @im4th agreed it was time to submit the plugin to the WordPress Plugins directory to enter into the massive testing time of the BP Rewrites feature as a plugin. Having the plugin available into this directory will make it easier for more people to test it and will help us to do the potential adjustments before thinking about merging the feature into BuddyPress Core. Get ready to have it soon listed into the BuddyPress Add-ons tab of the “Add New” Plugin screen of your WordPress dashboard.

BP Trac updates

  • #8676 (Notifications already marked as read issue) has been fixed and will be part of 10.3.0 minor release
  • #8675 (Group Invites User screen improvement) is almost ready to be committed (we still need to check it with the BP REST API). The work @oztaser and @im4th did on the ticket is a good example of how GitHub Trac integration can speed up our patch/PR review process. This enhancement will be part of 11.0.0 major release.

BP Support forum updates

This topic about DB overheat brought our attention although we were not able to reproduce the issue. We suspect a plugin interference. If you have any inputs about it, don’t hesitate to comment the topic to help us 🙏..

Next Dev-Chat

It will happen on April 27 at 19:30 UTC in #BuddyPress.

#10-3-0, #11-0-0, #dev-chat, #summary

BP Dev-Chat Agenda & Documentation contributor meeting agenda: April 13, 2022


Dev-chat Agenda

Our development meeting will happen on April 13 at 19:30 UTC and of course in #BuddyPress. Here’s our agenda:

  • BP Rewrites 1.0.0-RC1 feedbacks and next steps
  • Trac / forum updates about BuddyPress
  • Open floor

If you have specific/additional points you need to discuss about, please share them into the comments area of this post.

PS: we haven’t published a summary about last development meeting (March 30) as we’ve just noticed 10.2.0 minor release went pretty well and we quickly moved to the documentation contributor meeting.

Documentation Contributor meeting agenda

Right after the dev-chat, everyone is very welcome to join this new documentation meeting on April 13 at 20:00 UTC in #BuddyPress. Our agenda is:

  • Staging site
  • Getting started / troubleshooting / Core & Members sections.

If you’re interested in giving us a hand, please have a look at March meetings summary 🤩.

🇺🇦 🕊 ☮️

#agenda, #dev-chat, #documentation

BP Rewrites 1.0.0 Release Candidate

Hi BuddyPress contributors!

“Release Candidate” means that we believe this first version is ready for release! The next step if everything goes well after a last round of testing is to publish the plugin on the WordPress.org Plugins Directory.

Many thanks to the ones of you who contributed to testing 1.0.0-beta2 🥰. Please help us make sure we’re ready to make this important step: Test this release candidate.

If you haven’t tested 1.0.0-beta1 or 1.0.0-beta2, please have a look at this announcement post about it.

What’s new fixed in the first Release Candidate of BP Rewrites 1.0.0?

Make sure BP Rewrites loads when BuddyPress is network activated. See #32.
Avoid a fatal error when trying to access to a BP Core Nav too early. See #33.

Props 💚

@adiloztaser@eha1, @imath.

Let’s contribute to BuddyPress’ next way of parsing URLs: test the first release candidate of BP Rewrites 1.0.0.

Please note BP Rewrites requires BuddyPress 10.0.0. Make sure to download the bp-rewrites.zip file from the Plugin’s GitHub repository release page. Use the “Add new” WordPress Administration Plugin screen to upload the zip file. Finally check BuddyPress is activated before activating BP Rewrites.

Happy testing 🙏 😍 🤝

#10-0-0, #feature-as-a-plugin, #rewrites

BP Dev-Chat Agenda & Documentation contributor meeting agenda: March 30, 2022


Dev-chat Agenda

Our development meeting will happen on March 30 at 19:30 UTC and of course in #BuddyPress. Here’s our agenda:

  • 10.2.0 feedbacks
  • Open floor

If you have specific/additional points you need to discuss about, please share them into the comments area of this post.

Documentation Contributor meeting agenda

Right after the dev-chat, everyone is very welcome to join this new documentation meeting on March 30 at 20:00 UTC in #BuddyPress. Our agenda is:

  • Table of contents review, see #8658
  • Getting started / troubleshooting sections.

If you’re interested in giving us a hand, please have a look at these explanations 🤩.

🇺🇦 🕊 ☮️

#agenda, #dev-chat, #documentation

BuddyPress 10.2.0 is available


Here’s 10.2.0, a maintenance release: please upgrade.


#10-2-0, #maintenance, #release

BP Dev-Chat Agenda & Documentation contributor meeting agenda: March 16, 2022


Dev-chat Agenda

Our development meeting will happen on March 16 (today) at 19:30 UTC and of course in #BuddyPress. Here’s our agenda:

  • 10.2.0 updates & schedule
  • Open floor

If you have specific/additional points you need to discuss about, please share them into the comments area of this post.

Documentation Contributor meeting agenda

Right after the dev-chat, everyone is very welcome to join this new documentation meeting on March 16 (today) at 20:00 UTC in #BuddyPress. Our agenda is:

  • Table of contents review, see #8658
  • Getting started / troubleshooting sections.

If you’re interested in giving us a hand, please have a look at these explanations 🤩.

🇺🇦 🕊 ☮️

#agenda, #dev-chat, #documentation

BP Dev-Chat Summary : March 2, 2022.

10.1.0 feedbacks

Apart from a mysterious bug about the avatar crop step (we were not able to reproduce it so far), and a question about how to bring back legacy widgets, @vapvarun confirmed there was no alerts posted in our support forum.

@dcavins is using the 10.0.0 new features on several new sites and so far he hasn’t found any other issues.

10.2.0 Schedule

Unfortunately the notifications user cache issue was partly fixed in this release, see #8642. @im4th is in favor of packaging a new maintenance release soon to include the fix committed lately as well as other 10.0.0 regression issues that could have been fixed in the meantime. @vapvarun & @dcavins agreed about this plan 👉 expect 10.2.0 to be released asap!

Open floor

@im4th has been tested BuddyPress using PHP 8.1. He has found a lot of notices and improving our support to this PHP version will need some heavy changes about our PHPUnit testcases, see #8649.

Next Dev-Chat

It will happen on March 16 at 19:30 UTC in #BuddyPress.

#10-0-0, #10-1-0, #dev-chat, #summary

BP Rewrites 1.0.0-beta2

Hi BuddyPress contributors!

Many thanks to the ones of you who contributed to testing 1.0.0-beta1 🥰, I can’t stress enough how this is really important for the BuddyPress project in order to migrate to the WordPress Rewrite API and let administrators have a full control over any BuddyPress URLs. If you haven’t tested 1.0.0-beta1, please have a look at this announcement post about it.

Thanks a lot to Sarah Gooding who wrote this great post about BP Rewrites’ first beta on WP Tavern. We’re very thankful you spread the news to the WordPress world.

What’s new fixed in 1.0.0-beta2

Anticipate WordPress 6.0 changes about the WP Request to make sure BP Ajax requests are using the Rewrite API. See #31.
Make sure BuddyPress is active before trying to change anything into the site’s set up. See #29.
Remove the BP Pages settings tab to prevent any rewrite rule errors. See #27.
Fix bpRewritesUI() function call when readyState is not fired. See #26.
Remove superfluous parameters on remove_filter() calls. See #25.

Props 💚


Let’s contribute to BuddyPress’ next way of parsing URLs: test BP Rewrites 1.0.0-beta2

Please note BP Rewrites requires BuddyPress 10.0.0. Make sure to download the bp-rewrites.zip file from the Plugin’s GitHub repository release page. Use the “Add new” WordPress Administration Plugin screen to upload the zip file. Finally check BuddyPress is activated before activating BP Rewrites.

Happy testing 🙏 😍 🤝

#10-0-0, #feature-as-a-plugin, #rewrites

Using PR to share your patches on BuddyPress Trac

Thanks to Dion Hulse (@dd32), it’s now easier to share patch directly from your BuddyPress GitHub fork to a specific BuddyPress Trac ticket 🙌. It’s a great improvement and I believe it can potentially attract more people to contribute to BuddyPress code.

How does it work?

First if you haven’t created your BuddyPress fork on GitHub, log in to your GitHub account, head over to the https://github.com/buddypress/buddypress.git repository and click on the “Fork” button !

You’ll get a new repository on your GitHub account to work from to contribute to BuddyPress, here’s mine for instance: https://github.com/imath/buddypress.git

Clone it locally, create a new branch to add your changes, commit and push your changes on your branch, go to your fork’s page on GitHub and click on the link to create a Pull Request. You’ll be directed to the page where you’ll be able to link your PR to an existing BuddyPress Trac ticket.

Find the <!-- insert a link to the BuddyPress Trac ticket here --> text and replace it with the Trac Ticket link, for example https://buddypress.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/8647. Of course, if the ticket doesn’t exist yet, you can always create a new one from there.

NB: BuddyPress core committers, do not merge PRs from the BuddyPress GitHub repository, the feature’s goal is to ease code review, we still need to commit changes from our SVN repository.

Click on the “Create pull request” green button and go to your BuddyPress Trac ticket’s page.

As shown in the above screenshot, your pull request will be included into the “Pull Requests” section of the corresponding Trac Ticket. From there BuddyPress contributors can enjoy the GitHub code review features clicking on the View PR’s link or get the patch using the “View patch” link.

To get more information about this feature which is also available on the WordPress Trac, you can read this documentation page of the WordPress Contributor’s handbook.

Getting the most out of this feature

As you may have noticed, we also have some information about automatic checks applied to pull requests. We currently haven’t set these from a GitHub action, but it would be interesting to include PHP Unit tests and why not WordPress code standards checks, see #7228.

#github, #trac

BP Dev-Chat Agenda March 2, 2022 & Documentation contributor hour kick off


Dev-chat Agenda

Our development meeting will happen on March 02 (today) at 19:30 UTC and of course in #BuddyPress. Here’s our agenda:

  • 10.1.0 feedbacks
  • 10.2.0 schedule

If you have specific/additional points you need to discuss about, please share them into the comments area of this post.

Documentation Contributor hour agenda

We’re starting our documentation big refresh on March 02 (today) at 20:00 UTC in #BuddyPress. Here’s a suggestion about the first topics we can talk about:

  • User / Developer documentation
  • First ideas about user documentation organization
  • Tools and contributions management

If you’re interested in giving us a hand, please have a look at these explanations 🤩.

🇺🇦 🕊 ☮️

#agenda, #contributor, #dev-chat, #documentation