
Team Information
Team name PepsiCo
Official team name PepsiCo Global Threat Assessment and Response Management
Member since November 23, 2018
Host organization PepsiCo
Country of team United States of America (the)  US
Other countries of team Poland  PL
Date of establishment 2016-11-15
Team Contact Information
Regular telephone number 972-963-6870
Emergency telephone number 469-863-1853
E-mail address
Facsimile number NA
Postal address 5600 Headquarters Drive, Plano, TX, 75024, USA
Business Hours
Timezone US CT & CET
Description of business hours 9am-5pm
How to contact outside business hours Contact emergency number
Type of Constituency Other commercial
Source of Constituency Internal to host
Description of Constituency PepsiCo global enterprise. This includes the global infrastructure, servers, employee workstations, web sites and applications, logistics technology, third party suppliers, manufacturing/OT and more. This infrastructure is partitioned in terms of who owns and supports it–for example, there is a Europe and Sub Sahara Africa (ESSA) regional organization with IT professionals assigned, as well as Asia, Middle East and North Africa (AMENA), Latin America (LATAM) and North America (NA) regions.
Internet Domain Address
Country of Constituency United States of America (the)  US
PGP key id 0x0F4C1ACED7AAE7C4
PGP fingerprint 534BC2EA687D6F904805C0D20F4C1ACED7AAE7C4
Team PGP public key 534B C2EA 687D 6F90 4805 C0D2 0F4C 1ACE D7AA E7C4  
PepsiCo FIRST Team <[email protected]>
Updated on September 26, 2018 14:42 UTC
Expires on September 26, 2025 17:00 UTC

Team contact information provided for Incident Response purposes only. FIRST strictly prohibits the use of contact information for solicitation or marketing.

FIRST follows the ISO 3166-1 standard for country code and name listings.