Team Information
Team name BFK
Official team name BFK edv consulting
Member since September 17, 2008
Host organization BFK edv-consulting GmbH
Country of team Germany  DE
Team Contact Information
Regular telephone number +49-721-962-011
Emergency telephone number +49-171-525-1685
E-mail address
Facsimile number +49-721-962-0199
Postal address BFK edv-consulting GmbH Kriegsstrasse 100 D-76133 Karlsruhe
Business Hours
Timezone UTC+0100
Description of business hours 8:30-17:00 local time
How to contact outside business hours use emergency phone
Type of Constituency Other commercial
Source of Constituency External to host
Description of Constituency industrial and financial sector
Country of Constituency Austria, Belgium, Germany, Netherlands (the), Switzerland, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the), United States of America (the)  AT  BE  DE  NL  CH  GB  US
PGP key id 0xA1BCDF28D13A2909
PGP fingerprint 1F4E802A9EF7F1F3159E458EA1BCDF28D13A2909
Team PGP public key 1F4E 802A 9EF7 F1F3 159E 458E A1BC DF28 D13A 2909  
BFK CERT (team key) <[email protected]>
Updated on December 15, 2006 17:00 UTC

Team contact information provided for Incident Response purposes only. FIRST strictly prohibits the use of contact information for solicitation or marketing.

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