
Team Information
Team name Axur
Official team name Axur Csirt
Member since June 25, 2015
Host organization AXUR
Country of team Brazil  BR
Date of establishment 2014-11-15
Team Contact Information
Regular telephone number +55-51-3122987
Emergency telephone number +55-51-40639836
E-mail address
Facsimile number +55-51-3094-0461
Postal address Rua Mostardeiro, 322, Sala 6 Moinhos de Vento, Porto Alegre - RS - Brazil - 90430-000
Business Hours
Timezone GMT-3
Type of Constituency ICT vendor customer base
Source of Constituency External to host
Description of Constituency Axur’s (host organization) customer base which includes but is not limited to government, financial institutions (banks, credit cards), e-commerce, real state agencies, loyalty plans and airline companies.
Internet Domain Address
Country of Constituency Brazil  BR
PGP key id 0x47E172AEECA939EC
PGP fingerprint 527F68ACA6A728F3D94A4FB147E172AEECA939EC
Team PGP public key 527F 68AC A6A7 28F3 D94A 4FB1 47E1 72AE ECA9 39EC  
Axur CSIRT <[email protected]>
Updated on April 23, 2015 14:17 UTC

Team contact information provided for Incident Response purposes only. FIRST strictly prohibits the use of contact information for solicitation or marketing.

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