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Saturday, April 23, 2022, 1713 (UTC)
Indian steel giant stops business with Russia
Indian steel giant stops business with Russia

On Wednesday, Indian steel giant, Tata Steel announced that it was cutting all business ties with Russia. This made Tata Steel the latest multi-national company to stop business with Russia following the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

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China issues preliminary report on China Eastern flight 5735
China issues preliminary report on China Eastern flight 5735

On Wednesday, the Civil Aviation Administration of China issued a preliminary report about the crash of China Eastern flight 5735, which killed 132 people, without drawing any definitive conclusions.

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Indian capital New Delhi reports surge in COVID-19 cases
Indian capital New Delhi reports surge in COVID-19 cases

On Wednesday, the Delhi Disaster Management Authority (DDMA) declared a mask mandate in the National Capital Region as COVID-19 cases once again soared in India's capital.

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Clash between Palestinians and Israeli forces leaves at least 155 injured
Clash between Palestinians and Israeli forces leaves at least 155 injured

On Friday, Palestinians and the Israeli Police clashed at the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound where thousands from all over the world had gathered for the holy Islamic month of Ramadan.

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South African floods kill at least 300 people
South African floods kill at least 300 people

Last Wednesday, heavy rains and resulting flooding were confirmed to have killed over 300 people in KwaZulu-Natal province on the eastern coast of South Africa, including the large port city Durban.

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