Apple Books

Read, listen, discover. All in one place.

Apple Books is the single destination for all the books and audiobooks you love — and all the ones you’ll love next. Browse the Book Store and Audiobook Store to find the perfect book to read or listen to. Track what you’ve read and want to read, and set your own Reading Goals — all in one app and across all your Apple devices.

Reading Now. Your digital bedside table.

The Reading Now tab makes it easy to get to the right page in an instant, whether you’re immersed in a single story or bouncing between books. It’s also where you’ll find personalised recommendations based on what you’ve been reading.

Your library,

your way.

Organise your library any way you like. With collections, every one of your books is just where you want it. Create your own collections and get to them easily at any time. You can also revisit an old favourite you’ve already read in the Finished collection.

So many books,

so much in store.

Swipe from book to book to see which book covers, descriptions and reviews catch your eye, then add the books you’re interested in to your Want to Read list. Choose from today’s bestsellers, check out lists curated by Apple Books editors, or get recommendations based on what you’ve been listening to or reading.

Listen while you work. Or play. Or drive.

With audiobooks read by top authors, actors and celebrities available on CarPlay, Apple Watch and more, it’s easy to transport yourself to another world during your commute or learn something new on a run.

A Reading Goal you can’t put down.

Setting a Reading Goal helps make reading a priority by tracking the amount of time you’re reading or listening to an audiobook. Build strong reading habits and celebrate your achievements — whether that’s a daily goal, a new streak length record or how many books you’ve read this year.

Publish to Apple Books.

Stories are important. Apple Books for Authors helps you tell yours. Apple Books for Authors guides you through every step of your journey as an author, from structuring your story to packaging your digital book and selling it on our store. Even established authors will find valuable resources on how to grow sales and track performance.