  1. 4月13日

    ¿Sabes cómo construir cadenas de texto multilínea (verbatim) en C#? 🤔 No te preocupes, te lo explica en este vídeo: 👉

  2. 16 時間前

    The !! operator won't be in C# 11, but if you're looking for a compact way to validate arguments (not just against null values!), try out the Guard class from CommunityToolkit.Diagnostics! Lots of APIs to make argument validation simple 🙌

  3. 5 時間前

    I'm getting tired of new features. When are we going to get a version that deletes old features?

  4. 4月16日
  5. 4月17日
  6. 10 時間前

    🤝 Like variables, collections can hold values of "like-things" 🤓 Store a list of friends, favorite movies, or snacks.

    Collections can hold many of
the same type of value, from
numbers, strings, and

Use collection types like
Array, List, Dictionary, and
many more.

C# Code:

var count = new intl] { 1, 2, 3 };
var List = new List<int> { 4, 5, 6 };
var dictionary new Dictionary<string, int>
    { "Nicole", 1 },
    { "Khalid", }

check out abuhakmeh.com for more .NET content.
  7. 4月18日
  8. 4月15日
  9. 14 時間前

    💡 TIL about the new Raw Strings in C# 11. A clean way to have special characters in a string, without the need to escape them. It also works with interpolation. Pay attention to the indentation of the quotes, they are required to be aligned!

  10. 3月25日

    "Está bien para facilitar el comienzo de los más novatos en la plataforma, pero es un arma de doble filo: también facilita que aprendan perdiendo algunos conceptos de vista que son muy importantes." Más aquí ▸▸

  11. 4月18日

    📖 Reading from files is an essential part of any programming language. 🤓 Read text from a file using File and StreamReader

    Reading From A File

Reading the contents of a
file using C# is as easy as
three lines of code:

1. Open (or create) the file
2. Create a reader
3. Read the contents


C# Example Code:

using static System.IO.FileMode;

await using var file
File.Open("hello.txt", Open);

using var reader = new StreamReader(file);
var content = await reader. ReadToEndAsync();
  12. 4月5日
  13. 4月18日

    🌊 C# tip: Sort() vs OrderBy() 🌊 They both sort items in a list. But with a few differences. 🐶 Sort • In-place (say goodbye to immutability) • Uses default sorting 🐱 OrderBy • creates a new list • you can choose the sorting rule ...and more!

  14. 4月13日

    Almost broke everything when trying to prepare for introduction of saves. Lessons learned: static fields and lambdas can make troubles when serializing. There are no saves yet, but state of game story can be written to file now.

  15. 16 時間前

    , Is it possible to get the size of the largest free chunk available in the Large Object Heap? I'm getting OutOfMemoryExceptions with over 2GB "free". (Switching over to ArrayPool<T> now...)

  16. 4月20日

    ¿Se ha vuelto demasiado complejo C#? 🤔, además de abrir un debate, este excelente post de nuestro tutor da un repaso tremendo a la evolución del lenguaje. No te lo querrás perder 👉

