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  1. A Notorious Hacker Gang Claims to Be Selling on 70 Million AT and T Subscribers. (Gizmodo)

  2. 4 hours ago

    Your backup and recovery program should be part of your disaster recovery and business continuity plans. 👈 You should make sure that you have three backups on two different media, with at least one stored off-site. 💻

  3. 5 hours ago

    tools manufacturer -on announced a exposing associate and data after the Conti gang began leaking the company's data in March

  4. Replying to

    Well said Andrew. The moral turpitude of this chancellor is off the scale. He has got to go. Did you know that while he is whining about his status being leaked, his government is leaking the private bank data of ordinary British people to a foreign country?

  5. Replying to

    For years, ordinary British people have been demanding to know why his government is leaking our private bank data to a foreign country where we owe zero tax. And he has felt free to ignore us. The hypocrisy and entitlement are incredible.

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