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My account was hacked!

I’m writing from the account in question
Since you were already able to restore access, please change your password and follow our security recommendations. This will help prevent you from getting hacked again.

If anything is missing from your profile, let us know. We’ll help you restore everything except messages, which isn't possible for technical reasons.

Someone else has signed in to my account, and I don't have access to it
To restore access to a hacked account, follow the recommendations described here.

If suspicious messages are being sent from the account (ads or requests for money), ask the recipients to immediately mark them as spam so that we can quickly block access to the account.

If you have trouble restoring your account, please contact us and include your profile URL. You can do this from another account that belongs to you or from a friend’s account.

To avoid getting hacked again, we recommend linking your account to a current phone number and following our security recommendations.
Your search for returned no results.
Try using other keywords, e.g.: "delete profile", "create chat".
Check your request for misprints.