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18 hours ago

Earnings Reports Start Well But Stocks Sink

Financial sector earnings dominated the first week of the earnings season, with the pace and breadth increasing this week. Bank shares had benefited from the rising tide in yields until recently. While it is still very early, earnings have remained robust, with more than 75% exceeding estimates.
20 hours ago

Central Bank Digital Identity

One of the most important and least-discussed points made in the UK House of Lords report on CBDC was nothing to do with payments or money at all. The report notes that witnesses told the Committee that “a CBDC would need to be attached to a digital identification system",
Apr 16, 2022

Can Emmanuel Macron Beat Marine Le Pen?

Well over half of the French electorate has voted for ‘anti-establishment’ candidates in the recent Presidential election, and warnings grow louder that Marine Le Pen might be elected President.
Apr 16, 2022

Why Bonds Now Belong

We believe as the economic scene unfolds, the economy will weaken, inflation will begin to moderate, the Fed will become less hawkish, and, in an era of “forward guidance,” the markets will reprice bonds to lower yields (higher prices).