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Kicia ฯ† ๐Ÿบโ™ฃ๏ธ๐ŸŽƒ
cis girl, despite having male pfp 90 % of the time
Daybreak Town Born December 23Joined October 2018

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Warum unterstรผtzen den Trottel noch Leute? Er ist ein narzistischer Vollhonk.
Wtf David GIF
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Billionaire Elon Musk suggested tensions between China and Taiwan could be resolved by handing over some control of Taiwan to Beijing
Menschen die glauben Deutschland wรคre eine Diktatur laufen mit Flaggen eines Landes rum, das tatsรคchlich eine Diktatur ist. In Russland darf man sich nicht beschweren, sonst gibt's Knast.
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"Patrioten" Symbolbild #b0810
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Transphobes arguing that unisex toilets will stop people from having sex in public toilets is one hell of a take. A long with the followed up "lesbians don't have sex in toilets, only gay men"-one. The person goes "I'm very open minded, BUT" No, you're not.
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Also they're worried unisex toilets will stop cottaging. Or something. Clearly never been to the toilet in various clubs.
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Cottaging 13

TimeAtTheBar ยท Today 09:52

Is very much still a thing.

My best friend is an older gay man, long term single. Several times a week he visits the โ€˜naughty toiletsโ€™ at several locations around our (small, conservative) town to, er, get his needs met. Itโ€™s a whole thing. There are websites and an app to arrange encounters, but you can also just go to these locations on the off chance and thereโ€™s a system/signal.

Iโ€™m very open minded but I do find it pretty shocking. Also I didnโ€™t know opportunist cottaging was still a thing with the advent of Grindr etc.

He is obviously horrified by the creeping trend for unisex toilets. And it got me thinking that this behaviour is EXACTLY why they are a horrible idea.
Wie sagen wir so schรถn? Geschenkt ist geschenkt, wiederholen ist gestolen. Vladi lรผgt, dass die Ruskies den Ukrainern die Gebiete geschenkt haben. Nope, es gab Abstimungen fรผr die Unabhรคngigkeit.
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Here's Putin. "It was Russia that created modern Ukraine by gifting it its own territories, along with the population, without asking them what they wanted. When the USSR collapsed it was the same." (Actually, there was a vote in Ukraine and independence won overwhelmingly)
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Controlling Laugh Laughing GIF
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Replying to @CScharun
Herr Aiwanger, wir brรคuchten mehr Politiker wie sie, mit Verstand und Pragmatik. Mit dem Ohr am Bรผrger. und nicht wie viele andere weltfremd im Wolkenkuckucksheim! Sie sind ein Kรคmpfer und haben sich ihren Posten als bayr. Wirtschaftsminister hart erarbeitet gegen Widerstรคnde!