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ट्विट वर भाष्य करा
Tune into the latest episode of the #WPBriefing to hear important questions from #WCEU2022 addressed. And... maybe a surprise or two. Listen here: bit.ly/3xHAW86
Pink and blue image card with photo of Josepha Haden Chomphosy, and text, "Important questions from WCEU. Josepha tackles lingering questions from WordCamp Europe on the latest wpisode of the WP Briefing podcast."
Listen to this episode of #WPBriefing by where she mentions
ट्विट वर भाष्य करा
WordPress is Free(dom) In this episode, Josepha Haden Chomphosy gives quick explanations of the Four Freedoms of open source, the phrase “Free as in free speech, not free as in beer,” and why open source matters in the grand scheme of things. wordpress.org/news/2021/02/w