How Much Does it Cost to Remove, Replace or Repair Asbestos Siding?

Typical Range:

$837 - $7,217

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Published January 10, 2022

Written by HomeAdvisor.

Asbestos Siding Removal & Repair Costs

the average cost to repair asbestos siding is $4,770 or $300 to $22,500.

The average cost to repair asbestos siding is $3,900, with typical costs between $837 and $7,217. Some projects are as low as $300 while the highest prices can reach $22,500. Encapsulation, a popular form of repair, averages $2 to $6 per square foot.

Asbestos is an extremely hazardous material. Many homes built before 1989 have asbestos siding. While safety and health should be a concern, full removal might not be necessary. Toxic particles will stay put and the exterior is safe to be around if it is uncut and intact. However, it's highly advised that you encapsulate to make sure that no fibers break free.

If your siding tests positive, contact an asbestos abatement professional. He or she can help you determine what actions to take and whether to encapsulate or replace.

Asbestos Siding Removal Cost Calculator

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National Average $3,900
Typical Range $837 - $7,217
Low End - High End $300 - $18,000

Cost data is based on actual project costs as reported by 25 HomeAdvisor members.

Asbestos Siding Removal Costs Per Square Foot & Per Hour

The cost to remove asbestos siding is around $8 per square foot. The total price includes the hourly labor from an abatement professional. Qualified contractors charge around $200 per hour. Since it takes about one hour to remove 25 square feet, the average removal costs about $800 to $1,200 for 100 square feet.

Asbestos Shingle Removal Cost

The cost to remove asbestos shingle siding is $200 per hour or $8 per square foot. On the other hand, it costs between $20 to $120 per square foot to remove roofing shingles. This price has a wide variation because steep roofs cost more to work on than flat roofs.

In both projects, your contractor will have to carefully pry off the shingles piece by piece instead of removing full panels. This can either work in your favor if you have a small area of shingles or can become an extensive project for homes covered in the hazardous material.

Type of Asbestos Found

Chrysotile accounts for 95% of the asbestos used in buildings in the US. The type of fibers you find shouldn't affect the removal cost, especially since you only have a 5% chance of encountering anything other than chrysotile.

  • Chrysotile: This belongs to the Serpentine family and has white, curly fibers.

  • Amosite: This belongs to the Amphibole family and has brown needle-shaped fibers.

  • Crocidolite: This also belongs to the Amphibole family and has blue needle-shaped fibers.

Type of Siding Material

The type of material you have determines the removal cost. If your home's siding predates 1989, the chances are higher that it contains asbestos.

  • Brick: There's not much to worry about. Asbestos cement mortar binds bricks, but it's solid and has a small chance of releasing fibers into the air.

  • Cement: Whether it's in the form of shingles or lap, it's more likely to release fibers if it's cut, broken, or falls apart from normal wear and tear.

Any material on homes built after 1989 is highly unlikely to contain the toxic substance, and if it does, it only can contain 1% of it according to international regulations. You can choose vinyl, fiber cement, brick, wood, and composite materials without fear of installing hazardous components.

Cost to Dispose of Asbestos Siding

The total removal price includes disposal. Local and federal regulations dictate that an approved facility must dispose of asbestos, so only pros should handle this job. It is illegal to include contaminants in your weekly trash pickup.

Collecting the waste requires the right safety gear. Professionals will wear protective eyewear, masks, suits, footwear, and gloves to not get into contact with any particles. They also use a special HEPA vacuum to eliminate any dangerous particles from the air that can be as small as 0.5 microns. They then bag materials and transfer them safely to a designated landfill.

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Average Cost to Replace Asbestos Siding

The average cost to remove, dispose and replace 1,500 square feet of asbestos siding is between $11,000 and $24,000. Removal alone costs $1,000 to $10,000 depending on the scope of the project.

Then, installing new material is $30 per hour plus the price of siding. The cost will depend on the replacement material you choose. For example, the average cost to install wood siding is $12,500 while the cost to install fiber cement siding is less at about $11,500.

Asbestos Removal & Vinyl Siding Replacement Costs

The cost to remove asbestos siding and then install vinyl ranges between $11,000 and $20,000. Removing costs between $1,000 to $10,000, while the average cost to install vinyl siding is about $10,000, depending on the size of the area.

Asbestos Siding Encapsulation Costs

The cost to encapsulate asbestos siding is $2 to $6 per square foot. For 1,500 square feet, it can cost between $3,000 to $9,000. This is a more affordable alternative to full replacement.

A professional will carefully paint your siding with a latex masonry primer and high-quality latex paint. Encapsulation will prevent fibers from releasing.

Cost of Adding Siding over Asbestos Shingles

The cost of adding siding over asbestos shingles ranges about $7,500 to $18,000. The total price includes the installation of a vapor barrier, insulation board, and the replacement siding over it.

Cost of Installing Siding for 1,500 Square Feet
Material InstallationAverage Cost
Vapor Barrier$1,000
Insulation Board$1,900
Siding*$4,500 - $15,000
Total Cost:$7,400 - $17,900

*Here are average costs per square foot of some popular types:

  • Vinyl: $4

  • Fiber Cement: $10

  • Natural Wood: $3-$10

  • Metal: $3-$6

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DIY vs. Hiring an Asbestos Removal Pro

Hiring an asbestos removal pro protects you from violating the strict federal and local. For this fact alone, hiring a pro is worth the extra cost. Doing the job yourself can leave you in legal trouble if you don't adhere to your locale's demolition and removal obligations. Also, unless you have the tools and gear to do the job safely, you can accidentally inhale the fibers.

DIY Project Material Prices
HEPA vacuum$500
Full-face respirator$100
Tyvek disposable coveralls$140
Contractor bags$10
Safety boots$50

The cost of DIY equipment alone adds up to at least 4 hours of professional labor. Overall, you can save some money by encapsulating or covering instead of opting for a full removal and replacement.

No matter what you do, find a certified and trustworthy professional who will be able to navigate the legal requirements for the job.


How much does asbestos cement shingle removal cost?

The cost to remove asbestos cement shingles is around $200 per hour. These shingles were wildly popular in the early to mid-20th century for their durability, lightness, and fireproof nature. Today, fiber cement has taken its place as a safe alternative to mimic the beauty of natural wood shingles.

Are asbestos siding abatement prices covered by insurance?

Insurance may not cover abatement. Look carefully at your policy for a "pollution exclusion" clause. This means that indoor pollutants, like asbestos, are not part of your coverage.

If you have a comprehensive plan, abatement may be covered in special circumstances. For example, if a natural disaster disturbs once "safe" siding, your policy may cover the abatement fees. However, if you release the fibers yourself during a DIY project, you may be responsible for everything.

How can I identify asbestos exterior siding?

Identifying asbestos materials is easiest when you get the help of professionals.

It mimics other materials like wood. A popular kind were faux wood shingles with a tar paper-like back and a grainy top textured layer. Sometimes, the bottom of these shingles would have a wave pattern. However, there are also cases in which manufacturers tried to hide the presence of the toxin in their products.

There is a stronger chance that your home may have contaminated siding is it predates 1989. The only way to truly know if it has this hazardous material is to get a professional to take a sample and test it in a lab. The cost of an asbestos test averages $500.

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