Star Simpson


Eyes bigger than bookshelf. Tweets: Aviation, Automation, plus a long tail of interests. Building B2B Autonomous Air Freight: (YC)

blue/green sphere
Liittynyt tammikuu 2009


Olet estänyt käyttäjän @starsandrobots

Haluatko varmasti nähdä nämä twiitit? Twiittien näyttäminen ei poista käyttäjän @starsandrobots estoa.

  1. Kiinnitetty twiitti
    25. kesäk. 2016

    The future is STILL unwritten

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  2. uudelleentwiittasi
    10. helmik.

    N Judah to Ocean Beach

    A close up photo of a Muni train with the sign “N Ocean Beach” driving down a street. In the distance the sea is visible, and a brightly coloured sky that goes from yellow at the bottom to orange to purple at the top
    A photo of a street with streetcar rails, crowded with cars, and lined with low rise buildings. There’s rolling hills in the distance, with the ocean and a bright orange sky at the end. There is a strong orange light coming from the left of the photo, reflecting off of cars, a train, and the buildings. There’s a train in the foreground that says “N Judah Ocean Beach”.
    A photo taken at night of a street with a train driving towards the bottom left of the photo. There is some fog, and the train headlights and street lights are creating beams in it. The whole photo has an ethereal or cartoonish feel to it. The train sign says “N Caltrain”, with the N barely visible.
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  3. 10. helmik.

    One of my favorite naming schemes so far was US National Parks in alphabetical order with unambiguous starting letter (ie: name that starts with letter ‘A’, followed by first letter ‘B’ etc.)

  4. 9. helmik.

    The same product category as Marmite/Vegemite or Horlick’s but for cheese instead of brewing byproducts.

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  5. 9. helmik.

    I am disappointed to find that Scandinavian “brown cheese spread” seems to be syrup and caramel flavoring mixed with some kind of salty cheesy dairy process byproduct substance, and not cheese. 🧀😞

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  6. 8. helmik.
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  7. 8. helmik.
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  8. 8. helmik.
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  9. 8. helmik.
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  10. 8. helmik.
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  11. 8. helmik.
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  12. 8. helmik.
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  13. 8. helmik.

    What are the times Google broke your heart by getting rid of something dear to you? 💔

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  14. uudelleentwiittasi
    8. helmik.

    Number of awards/honors listed on Katalin Karikó’s Wikipedia page, by decade: 1970s: 🏆 1980s: - 1990s: - 2000s: 🏆 2010s: - 2020s: 🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆 🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆

  15. 8. helmik.
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  16. 8. helmik.

    Say what you will about Google, at least they don’t get distracted from creating spiritually pure software by temporal metrics like utility.

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  17. 8. helmik.

    Do they have any idea how often I need to get a rough idea of the distance between points on earth? 😞

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  18. 8. helmik.

    Omg did they take 📏 Measure Distance out of the Google Maps iOS app?

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  19. uudelleentwiittasi
    1. helmik.

    i wish that just one single high-cost city in the US would be like “screw it, you’re allowed to build as much housing as you want near transit. unlimited density, zero parking, 50+ stories. go for it and be legends” would be pretty sweet

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  20. uudelleentwiittasi
    31. tammik.

    The missing middle, missing in virtually every community in America.

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  21. 4. helmik.
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