Book of Haggai

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The Book of Haggai, also known as the Book of Aggeus, is a book of the Hebrew Bible or Tanakh, and has its place as the third-to-last of the Minor Prophets. It is a short book, consisting of only two chapters. The historical setting dates around 520 BC before the Temple has been rebuilt.[1]


The Book of Haggai is named after the prophet Haggai whose prophecies are recorded in the book. The authorship of the book is uncertain. Haggai is repeatedly referred to in the third person which makes it unlikely that Haggai wrote the text himself. Although some presume that Haggai wrote the book himself, it is more likely that the book was written by a disciple of Haggai who sought to preserve the content of Haggai's spoken prophecies.

There is no biographical information given about the prophet in the Book of Haggai. Haggai's name is derived from the Hebrew verbal root hgg, which means "to make a pilgrimage." W. Sibley Towner suggests that Haggai's name might come "from his single-minded effort to bring about the reconstruction of that destination of ancient Judean pilgrims, the Temple in Jerusalem."[2]


The Book of Haggai records events in 520 BC, some 18 years after Cyrus had conquered Babylon and issued a decree in 538 BC, allowing the captive Judahites to return to Judea. Cyrus saw the restoration of the temple as necessary for the restoration of the religious practices, and a sense of peoplehood, after a long exile.[citation needed] The precise date of the written text is uncertain but most likely dates to within a generation of Haggai himself.


Haggai's message is filled with an urgency for the people to proceed with the rebuilding of the second Jerusalem temple. Haggai attributes a recent drought to the people's refusal to rebuild the temple, which he sees as key to Jerusalem’s glory. The book ends with the prediction of the downfall of kingdoms, with one Zerubbabel, governor of Judah, as the Lord’s chosen leader. The language here is not as finely wrought as in some other books of the minor prophets,[citation needed] yet the intent seems straightforward.

The first chapter contains the first address (2–11) and its effects (12–15).

The second chapter contains:

  1. The second prophecy (1–9), which was delivered a month after the first
  2. The third prophecy (10–19), delivered two months and three days after the second; and
  3. The fourth prophecy (20–23), delivered on the same day as the third

These discourses are referred to in Ezra 5:1 and 6:14. (Compare Haggai 2:7, 8 and 22)

Haggai reports that three weeks after his first prophecy, the rebuilding of the Temple began on September 7 521 BC. "They came and began to work on the house of the LORD Almighty, their God, on the twenty-fourth day of the sixth month in the second year of Darius the King.(Haggai 1:14–15) and the Book of Ezra indicates that it was finished on February 25 516 BC "The Temple was completed on the third day of the month Adar, in the sixth year of the reign of King Darius." (Ezra 6:15)


First page of the Book of Haggai, Codex Gigas (Latin translation, early 13th century)
  1. Divine Announcement: The Command to Rebuild the Temple (1.1–15 )
    1. Introduction: Reluctant Rebuilders (1.1–2 )
    2. Consider your ways: fruitless prosperity (1.3–12 )
    3. Promise and Progress (1.13–15 )
  2. Divine Announcement: The Coming Glory of the Temple (2.1–2.9 )
    1. God will fulfill his promise (2:1–5 ) [3]
    2. Future Splendor of the temple (2:6–9 )[3]
  3. Divine Announcement: Blessings for a Defiled People (2.10–19 )
    1. Former Misery (2.10–17 )[3]
    2. Future Blessing (2.18–19 )[3]
  4. Divine Announcement: Zerubbabel Chosen as a Signet (2.20–23 )


  1. ^ Coogan, Michael D. "A Brief Introduction to the Old Testament." Oxford University Press, 2009. o. 346.
  2. ^ Towner, W. Sibley. The Harper Collins Study Bible. HarperCollins Publishers. 2006. p. 1265.
  3. ^ a b c d Achtemeier, Paul J., and Roger S. Boraas. The HarperCollins Bible Dictionary. San Francisco, CA: HarperSanFrancisco, 1996. Print.

External links[edit]

Book of Haggai
Preceded by Hebrew Bible Succeeded by
Old Testament