Nearby Home Warranty Companies in San Jose

San Jose, CA (95101)

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Reviews of Home Warranty Companies Near You

Fidelity National Home Warranty
I could reach them pretty much any time to report a problem so I like that about the company that I can call any time if there’s an issue.
- Shane H....
They were prompt; they came when they said they would. They did what they said they would do. They cleaned up after themselves.
- David W....
Fidelity National Home Warranty
They are a home warranty for whatever breaks around the house. We used them once for the range and twice for the refrigerator. I enjoy they are very good. They don't typically complain or try to get out of things which is what I expect from my warranty. So far when I've used them they haven't tried to shook saying it's not our problem.
- Michael S....
Fidelity National Home Warranty
I like being able to have someone come out right away when things go wrong. The last time I called them was when my washer went out. It is expensive, and I'm not sure it's worth it to have a home warranty. They've increased their service call prices through the years, too.
- Janet S....
Fidelity National Home Warranty
If you're buying an older house, your agent will probably try to set your mind at ease by playing bad cop in the negotiations, insisting that the seller purchase some kind of home warranty service on your behalf so that all the horrible things that are going to go wrong will be paid for by someone other than you. This is just a scam the seller will play along with to keep you from suing them for failing to disclose the fact that they paid some dudes from the Home Depot parking lot to glue floor tiles to recycled drywall in the bathroom or some other such nonsense just to sell the house. Fidelity was my title company, so Fidelity was the warranty company my agent recommended. Competent service providers do not want to work with Fidelity, and so they have very few places to send you to for problems that occur. In many cases, they have exactly ONE provider that can tolerate them for any given trade, and if they don't show up--or what's more common, if they show up, do absolutely nothing and leave with your $60 service call check in hand--you've got nowhere else to go. If you call Fidelity to complain, you just get some smarmy kid who has no clue in the world what he's doing pretending to listen to you until you finally hang up and leave him alone. No one will ever follow up with you about anything, ever, unless it's a service call bill you didn't pay because one of their helpful representatives actually told you to wait until they send you a past-due notice. They follow up on that pretty darn quickly. The home warranty racket is an absolute joke and Fidelity is no exception. Their service partners represent the absolute bottom of the barrel in every industry and you should not under any circumstances allow any of them to touch anything in your home that you care about. In the extremely rare cases where they might actually decide to replace something for you, you're going to get a thoroughly unqualified person throwing some off-brand garbage in that you won't want in the first place, and then you'll be stuck paying a competent contractor to undo all the damage they caused on top of that $60 you thought sounded like such a great deal. Avoid at all costs, and don't believe a word any real estate professional says.
- Nathan D....
Complete Appliance Protection Inc
Complete Appliance Protection is pretty good. They apply warranties for household appliances, that could also extend to plumbing and things like that. I pay a premium of $50 a month for that. They are very professional.
- Michael T....
Very responsive to a plumbing service request I phoned in. Over the weekend. They don't cover that service. So service level seemed good but coverage itself wasn't great.
- Christine C....
Homeguard Inc
It was basically a home inspection which had to be done before you buy a house and they missed that little thing. One of the parts in garage was cracked, they missed it and I missed it until I walked in and saw it. They came and actually refixed the beam and that’s what they did last time.
- Colin T....
Fidelity National Home Warranty
Basically, this company engaged the worst pluming company that I've ever encountered. The plumbing company was unable to complete the repair. After numerous complaints to Fidelity, I engaged a plumber who fixed the issue, same day, no problem. I would have been better off not having the warranty, they're not worth the effort.
- Christopher A....
First American Home Buyers Protection
This is a terrible company. I've been so frustrated with this company. I pay my premiums and during the summer I had problems with my A/C. They sent a technician to my home and told me that the warranty doesn't cover this or that. They have bad customer service. I call and have to wait on hold for a very long time and then eventually someone disconnects the call. They're not a good company. I reported to them so many times that my A/C was not working over the course of two months, and they were not responsive. I had to have another company come out to fix our A/C and we wanted to report a complaint on this one. They came out to our home six times and never fixed anything and kept charging us. We wasted a lot of time, and they kept charging us for not fixing it.
- Wendy P....
I'm not one to write many reviews. But when I saw Hisco Home Warranty have a D report I thought I should straighten some of the bias against them because I've been nothing but satisfied with their service. My wife and I recently purchased a home in Foster City. We are first time home buyers so our real estate agent suggested that we buy a home warranty. Generally speaking I'm against purchasing warranties - my life experience has showed that it's generally a toss - meaning most of the time the warranty expires and I don't use it. We purchased the Hisco Home Warranty and boy - are we glad that we did so! Our home was build in the 70s and some appliances were definitely on the older side. Our three issues are detailed above and I'll relay the outcome of each of the three service calls. First I will say Hisco is ALWAYS very nice on the phone and fax the contractors immediately: 1) Hisco sent out a contractor to look at our oven because the upper oven was not heating up correctly. It's an older Magic Chef built in two oven contraption that no longer has spare parts on the market. As a result Hisco was not able to fix it, so they cut us a check on a fair market value for a replacement. That came out to $1400.00 - the check took two weeks to arrive, and we're satisfied with the outcome here 2) As we approached mid-winter in 2010 I started to prep for my gardening season. After turning on our background hose bib to another outlet, I had a horrible realization that the underground pipe was leaking. I called Hisco to see if they would cover it; they thought they might so they sent out a contractor. Here's what happened: - Contractor came out - Contractor saw the problem, shook his head said "not covered" and took my $50 service fee and left - I called Hisco back and asked for a detailed explanation. The person taking my call wasn't able to do that, but I got a call back within 5 minutes from Hisco. The person patiently explained that as the pipe was underground, it did not fall under "accessible outdoor plumbing". When he heard that despite no service being provided by the contractor the contractor had collected $50 service fee - he promptly refunded the $50 service call. (Now, that's what I like. Mistakes happen with these things, the ultimate judge for me of a warranty or service company is how they fix them. ) 3) Contractor had to reschedule (no fault of Hisco) and did a quick repair on our air duct. I would recommend Hisco - I think they are upstanding, and stand up to their home warranty. Did they fix all the problems I had? No, but did they stand up to their warranty? YES! Hisco - Kudos.
- Timothy C....
On December 20th, 2012, I called First American to dispatch a heater repair service, as the blower of my heater was failing, and giving signs of slow starts. It took 3 weeks to get the service call completed, at the height of the cold season. The heater blower ended up failing on 12-21-12, and the house was cold, about 55 degrees F, during those three weeks. The failures of the service were: - no call back within the promised one business day deadline from the original call - scheduling of the service call 10 days after the work order was opened (despite its website and online claims of 24/7 service, the dispatched vendor, EcoSystem, did not schedule a visit until 1-2-13) - the vendor dispatched, EcoSystems, was a no show on the 1-2-13 scheduled appointment; they did not proactively call to reschedule, I had to do that myself - the vendor repairman was barely speaking English; he did not check or test the system, and basically just took out the blower engine, with no to little explanations - the vendor dispatched by First American did not keep me posted daily, as I had asked them to, for the estimated time of the repair - First American home warranty online representatives would take 2 to 3 days to respond to online messages, which would be useless and not timely - the repair was finally done on 1-11-13, a full three weeks after the original claim - I reached out in writing to the CEO of First American, to ask for two years of service free, representing a 20% discount for such poor service; such a request was a simple demand for a gesture showing that continued business is valued by First American - I was sent a form letter by the claims department, denying my request - the next day, I received the warranty renewal invoice for next year - it goes without saying that I won't renew: home warranties are a sad excuse of a product, and will not get you the service and attention of the vendors they employ
- Herve U....
Fidelity National Home Warranty
We recently moved into an older home that had been renovated just prior to our moving in. Our real estate agent bought this home warranty service for the first year, and as soon as we moved in we noticed things weren't quite right. The bathtub leaked profusely around the newly installed shower frame, and the heating didn't seem to be responding to the thermostat settings correctly. Basically we couldn't shower without flooding the bathroom floors, and we woke up every morning freezing. When we contacted the warranty service, they sent providers right away (after charging the fees for service calls), but of the three people they've sent out to the house one didn't work on our type of heater, and the other two blew off the complaints and walked out of the house with minimal explanation after about 15 minutes. Fidelity has been easy to get hold of, and you can talk to a representative right away, but their solution to our problem has just been to repeatedly send out person after person, which means my husband and I have to take time off of work to be there. The problems STILL aren't fixed! The companies that the warranty service contracts with have been extremely unhelpful, and quite rude when we ask them questions. We are quite disappointed by our experience, and will likely have to pay for our own contractors to come evaluate issues that should be covered by our warranty service!
- Shreya P....
I feel that they are a fraud and that everyone should know about how they rip you off. I was not happy. I feel like they are just finding ways to take my money from me, by breaking things on purpose.
- Chander M....
First American Home Warranty
county plumbing is TERRIBLE! they don't return calls, etc. I'm still waiting for my call back to clean the line after 4 days. (I called another plumber so I'm good now. Would cost $385 to clean out the line) County plumbing said that the only way the could clean the line was through roof vent. Guess what! That's not covered by home warranty. I was told toilet had water in it so that couldn't be pulled to clean out the line. (in the past - with other home warranty company, plumbers cleared the line through the shower drain even though I didn't have a clean out.) Good plumbers came and pulled the toilet and cleaned the line $250. If I had been given a choice with County plumbing the pull the toilet I would have 1. done it myself so he could have access or 2. paid that part of the claim because that's also not covered by FAHW. As it turned out, I had to pay $65 to be told I had a clog and lied to that the only way to clear it was through the roof. 2 I wasted 4 hours waiting to hear back from county plumbing only to have to call another plumber - who came out in 1.5 hours and cleaned the line. I had to pay $250 to the good plumber to clean the line but that was still less than the $385 I would have had to pay County plumbing on top of the useless copay of $65! I'm in the process of finding a better home warranty.
- Cheryl W....
Overall, they have proved to be rude, unresponsive and cheap to the point of ridiculous. They sent an electrician to my house 3 times for and would only approve him to come out in 1 to 2 hour windows each time. When I called and asked why they were only authorizing for 1 to 2 hour increments when the electrician said he needed an entire day, I was yelled at by a woman named, Laverne, who then threatened to not have an electrician come out at all. The electrician that they sent turned out to be not so great. He couldn't figure out what was wrong so he finally left and said to call PGE. The PGE guy came and figured out the problem in minutes and fixed it within an hour. Meanwhile, I had light bulbs and appliances breaking for three weeks because the electrician they sent wouldn't schedule appointments and told me that it should be safe. Comcast came out to fix one of the busted appliances (ie the cable box) and had to do a wire check. Apparently, as a result of the electrical problem, the cable wires in my room had melted and almost caused a fire. I feel like had HISCO sent someone competent, these things would not have happened.
- Audrey F....
Buyers Protection Group (BPG)
My furnace stopped working on 12/11/13. I called BPG the next day. I didn't submit the claim via their website because even though we had a valid warranty with them, their website didn't recognize this (more on this later). They sent me the name of a contractor which I called the next day. They didn't have any available appointments until 12/19/13 which is strange, but I put up with it because we live in California where it's only kind of cold not life-threatening cold. We made do with a space heater for a week. The tech they sent out was nice enough and told me that we needed a new pilot assembly and a new ignition system and had to be approved by BPG and I'd be hearing from BPG shortly. By the end of the business day for BPG, I hadn't heard from them so I called. The customer service representative's attitude was unbelievable. She immediately started using that sing-songy condescending voice you hear from flight attendants went they're giving you bad news. Beside attitude, the only information that she gave me was that they were waiting to hear from the Tech. This was strange because I heard the Tech talk to BPG over the phone. So I called the Heating company to see if I could speed things along. They were unaware that they needed to provide any more information to BPG and agreed to do so. Because the reality was that this furnace would not get fixed without ordering a custom part, I asked them if they would order the part now with the understanding that I would cover the cost of the part if BPG was going to weasel out of it. They said they couldn't because BPG wouldn't allow them to order any parts while the claim was in Pending status. I tried to make the case that the heating company wasn't going to risk anything, I just wanted to get my heat working sooner rather than waiting for all this bureaucratic stuff to clear up and then order the part. She explained that I wasn't the heating company's client, BPG was their client so I was out of luck. The next day, I called BPG and they still said they were waiting for information from the heating company. I asked to speak to a manager and he said that they were waiting to see how much a part cost before they decided whether or not to cover it. I asked what the cost of a part had to with a warranty and he said it wasn't covered right now because it needed a "new part" but if it was cheap enough they might decide otherwise. He also refused to let the heating company order the part until they have finished the approval (rejection) process. First off- what? A furnace stops working after four years without problems but it's not covered by a warranty because it needs a "new" part? That's insanity and that's not the purpose of a warranty. Second, what's in it for BPG to not allow the heating company to order the part? Of course it's to delay the process until I say "Screw it, I'm going without the warranty. I can't be without a furnace all winter this is ridiculous." This company takes $463 dollars every year in the form of a premium plus a $75 deductible with every call. Then, they systematically delay the process hiding behind language in the contract that doesn't really apply to the situation. This is borderline criminal. On top of that, they treat you like you're just a huge hassle and shouldn't be bothering them in the middle of their day. "DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND WE'VE GOT LOTS OF CLAIMS TO NOT PAY?" Their customer service is appalling. Oh yeah- the web site. If you renew your contract the website doesn't know about it even though you have an account with BPG and a username & password for their website. When you log on, the website says your plan has expired and that's that. When you call, they tell you that you have to enter your new plan into the website. Stay away from this company at all costs. I've been a customer for four years, and the first time I needed them in an urgent situation they did nothing but delay the process of getting my furnace fixed. The bottom line is my furnace has been out for 10 days and I'm now further away from getting it fixed than I would've been if I had just called the heating company directly. Oh- but I did get a lot of attitude as a bonus.
- Trey S....
Fidelity National Home Warranty
I have been a customer of Fidelity Nat'l Home Warranty for more than 15 years and purchase 2 policies annually -- mine and my parents homes. Two weekends ago, my kitchen plumbing stopped/backed up. Called the Fidelity service representative requesting a plumber and they couldn't find anyone. After several rounds of questions with the representative, he finally recommended I call around and find one that could come out during the weekend. Located a local plumber. He arrived in about 1.5 hours. Called Fidelity to get an authorization for payment. Agent spoke with service man and told me they couldn't reimburse me due to the way my pipes had been installed. ??? Did I mention, I have been living in my home for more than 15 years and a customer of Fidelity the entire time? The level of service this company offers has deteriorated over the years, to the point, I will be using a new provider. Strongly recommend finding another service, waste of your money and time to use Fidelity Nat'l Home Warranty.
- Terri M....
Fidelity National Home Warranty
Additionally, The heater control panel did not function in the same manner as the original and was showing simular signs of the original defect. I called the warranty company back to have them send out a different repair service as I did not want Preferred Pool Repair back at our house. Fidelity refused to send out a different company, unless I wanted to pay for the second service call. Preferred Pool Repair called me to set an appointment to return to check the panel. I informed them That I would not be available for this appointment until October 8. I explained that I did not trust the company to be at our residence unsupervised after the damage which had occurred after their last visit. The representative from Preferred Pool Repair advised that she would advised Fidelity and hung up on me. I waited for Fidelity to call me back to arrange for the problem with the Heater Control Panel to be addressed. after a couple weeks went by I called Fidelity to find out what the status was of the repair. They advised me it had been closed out as completed. I advised it had not been completed and at this time advised that I still had not received a call back from the supervisor regarding the damaged control valve. Preferred Pool Repair came back out and advised me there was a change in the new control panel operation. They then sent me a bill for a return visit. I have had issues with plumbing emergencies and Fidelity not getting a plumber out in a timely manner, 48hours for a complete blockage. Be careful with this company
- John H....
HomeGuard Inc
I didn't like them. We have lived in the house for about a year now. We bought the one year insurance after moving in. There was a huge leak in a kitchen window during a rainstorm last winter. They didn't pick up on it that there was a leak. The person they sent out to check it out said it must have been there for a long time because there was so much damage in the wall. They didn't pick up on it and refused to admit that the damage must have been there when they inspected it the house. We had to take out the whole wall in the kitchen and repair it. They did the repair, but we had to pay for it. They refused to admit that it was a pre-existing condition when they inspected the house. There was plenty of evidence, but we were at the inspector's mercy and he just refused it. It was just terrible. I was really upset with them. The blinds were peeling on that wall from the moment we moved in. That was evidence that there was something going on. All the other blinds were perfect. There was a lot of puffiness in the wood. It must have been there before. There were termites in there because it was wet. It turned out it was the window and it was totally sealed. It was wet all the way down to the bottom. I saw the guy when he inspected the house. He shook my hands and told me not to worry and told me that they would do a good job for us. They also have a warranty service where they supposedly come in if you have a warranty for one year that you buy for $300.00 included in the price of the house. But nothing I ever called them on was ever covered by that insurance. I don't remember how much we spent for the service. It was part of the purchase of the house. They did give a feeling of confidence when they were out here inspecting, but I felt cheated. Their professionalism was okay. They didn't shout at me. They were always too calm actually. I would not recommend them at all. They showed up when they said they would. I would not use them again in the future.
- Maha H....

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