
Wikimedia Affiliates

Discussion list for the Wikimedia movement entities – chapters, thematic organizations, and user groups (Wikimedia movement affiliates). While the mailing list is created to coordinate efforts around the 2019 affiliate-selected Board seats process, it could be easily repurposed later, if desired.

Current access is provided to main representatives of the affiliates, appointed volunteer facilitators, and any members of the Board and the Wikimedia Foundation staff for the time strictly necessary to operations related to the ASBS process. In addition to internal affiliates conversation, it will be used to deliver key announcements and information about the ASBS process. It includes entities whose eligibility to vote in that process is a possibility under the publicly available Board guidance from December 2018 (Wikimedia Foundation bylaws/December 2018 - affiliate-selected trustees, term limits, and diversity), but has /not/ been determined yet.

Participants are asked to remain civil and stay on topic; in the hope that the "commitment to diversity and inclusion of all voices, throughout our communities—new, older and emerging" inspires and guides meaningful conversations.

To contact the list owners, use the following email address: [email protected]

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