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A digital marketplace connecting millions of homeowners with local service professionals for home improvement, maintenance and remodeling projects.

Headquartered in Denver, CO.
Unit: agost de 2008


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  1. Tuit fixat
    17 de juny

    Don’t download the background of your dreams. Build it. We’re looking to turn your virtual background into a reality. Post a pic of your current backdrop with for a chance to win $5000 from HomeAdvisor. See rules at .

  2. fa 4 hores

    The 2020 Atlantic is racking up at breakneck speed -- and we're here to help. , check out our new resource page to help prepare for the stormy season ahead.

  3. fa 8 hores

    Here's a breakdown of what it to , run and maintain an above-ground . Via

  4. fa 9 hores

    Should you choose for your ? put together a great pro and con guide so you can decide if this is the right choice for you!

  5. ha retuitat
    2 d’ag.

    Where is home design headed? Listen to the newest episode of , “The Future Home,” to hear from Design Editor of and Adjunct Professor of Sustainable Design, . .

  6. 3 d’ag.

    A can help you choose the next steps in a . You may decide you want to close, negotiate the price, request repairs by the seller, or back out and find another place. Via

  7. 3 d’ag.

    Are you starting a ? We've put together on how to develop a pricing model so you can get started!

  8. 31 de jul.

    Should you get a ? shares what you need to know about home warranties and what they cover.

  9. 31 de jul.

    Are you looking to a guest , or ? Find out how much it could cost now!

  10. ha retuitat
    31 de jul.

    With more time being spent in our homes, a number of needs have emerged in the K/B industry, with new design concepts coming to the forefront. We welcomed of to to discuss the future home. Listen here:

  11. ha retuitat
    31 de jul.

    Is the open concept design on its way out? Tune into to hear of chat with on the inevitable changes to the future of home design. Listen here:

  12. 30 de jul.

    it’s important to understand the characteristics of each kind of to find the best for the surface you need to cover. Our guide helps you choose the best paint.

  13. ha retuitat
    30 de jul.

    Did you know that fiber cement siding is now accepted for use in many historic districts? Read on for more good intel from this convo with , the latest in 's series of manufacturer Q&As.

  14. ha retuitat
    30 de jul.

    Listen to the newest episode of to hear from an expert in sustainable design, Lloyd Alter of TreeHugger as he shares his deep knowledge and insight on the future of home design. Listen here: Sponsored by HomeAdvisor.

  15. 29 de jul.

    Here’s what you should know about scheduling an , whether it be a or , a stove, a , or a . Via

  16. 29 de jul.

    For an on a , try this work-around via

  17. 28 de jul.

    Do you need to your ? Find out the average cost in your area!

  18. 28 de jul.

    Are worth the money? Find out via

  19. 27 de jul.

    How much does it to or a sliding glass ? Check our cost guide now to find out!

  20. 27 de jul.

    The more your is, the less you'll spend to heat and cool it. 🏠Via

  21. 24 de jul.

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