Hasil pencarian
  1. 2 Apr
  2. 8 Apr
  3. 5 Apr

    I want to keep track of the latest cybersecurity news. I also don't want to spend all my time on Twitter. Here are 5 great cybersecurity news outlets that I rely on! 🧵👇

    Tampilkan utas ini
  4. 14 jam yang lalu

    Hey , I'm curious- if you listen to security specific podcasts or live streams, what are your favs and why should the rest of us listen?

  5. 8 Apr
  6. 9 Apr
  7. 7 Apr

    Hello I'm Zen'no aka Z , I'm a former hacker that was active from 04 to 2009. I would surf the dark web and target creeps like p*doph*les. It mostly was a way of coping with my own s*xual abuse as a child. Well now it's ten years later and I've found Twitter.

    Tampilkan utas ini
  8. 9 Apr

    This week was very productive for me. I managed to learn the basics of Burp Suite and Metasploit, through TryHackMe.

  9. 8 Apr

    I’m looking for a senior GRC team member to help solidify our Org! If working in the gaming industry excites you and you are passionate about governance, send me a DM!

  10. 9 Apr
  11. 1 Mar

    Top 50 Linux Commands You Must Know as a Regular User... :) A Thread 🧵 Retweet to let others know about this... :)

    Tampilkan utas ini
  12. 19 jam yang lalu

    You think that QR codes are dangerous? Just wait and see how fast the NFC robots will take over the world 😵

    Tampilkan utas ini
  13. 9 Apr

    "Security should not be a black art or closed secret that only a few can practice." - Eoin Keary

  14. 18 jam yang lalu

    New thread from ATTENTION Атака була мега результативною — система маркування перестала нормально функціонувати і Міністерство промисловості країни-агресора прийняло рішення не маркувати певні товари,…

    Tampilkan utas ini
  15. 8 Apr

    Alguém me indica conteúdo de cybersecurity, cursos, podcast, blog etc?

Pemuatan tampaknya berlangsung agak lama.

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