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Hi. My is Dennis. I am an educator and a reasonable man.

Principally, I am skeptical and I accept that there are a lot of things that I do not and cannot know. I believe in the emancipatory potential of human beings and the value of human life and as such, I hold humanity as the highest social value.

This means, that we may disagree especially if you hold the standards and traditions of Western civilization, the classics, and/or the inherent truth (articulated by a single culture or religion), as the most sacred of all ideals.

In no way am I a moral judge nor am I attempting to change anyone's personal beliefs, motives, attitude, outlook, or values. But, for me, meaning is a function of perception. The truth is what is, independent of perception.

My intent is to critically examine the world through the lens of education, knowledge, and my experience. My intent is to be charitable, open-minded, and critical. And, I do have some opinions.

One opinion that I hold has to do with the relationship between truth and meaning. For me, meaning is how we perceive the truth. In my view, the truth is how the world is. Therefore, from where I stand, we can’t know the truth, but we can perceive it.

How do we arrive at meaning? We interpret, we compare, we create, and we assign meaning to the events in our lives. We impose meaning on experience. We experience the world through our perception. We then interpret our perception.

As human beings, we all assign meaning. We exchange meaning with others. Our perception and meaning are tested against the world to see if they are valid-- the profession of psychology can help us with this task.

Hopefully, we learn from various tests of our perception. Sometimes our perception is true. Sometimes we are transformed by the fact that our perception is invalid, and, thereby, hopefully-- we alter our truth.

Lastly, it is quite possible that we don’t always know the truth, but as we perceive our truth, it is highly likely that other people are going to disagree with our perceptions; our ambition is the essence of what psychologists hope to accomplish: objective perception.

How is objective perception different from immaculate perception? The concept of immaculate perception seems contradictory; how is it possible to experience reality without being influenced by our own personal experience? Can the awareness of our subjectivity affect our perception? Does reality exist only in our minds? Is reality an inescapable delusion? Is reality an inescapable delusion? Was The Matrix a good movie?

Edunoramus (talk) 20:41, 4 February 2022 (UTC)