Under The Hood show


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By Nordstroms Automotive Inc.. Discovered by Player FM and our community — copyright is owned by the publisher, not Player FM, and audio is streamed directly from their servers. Hit the Subscribe button to track updates in Player FM, or paste the feed URL into other podcast apps.
Under The Hood® Show. Syndicated across America since 1990 Americas' Favorite Car Talk Show! This Live Radio Show is here to help you get free Auto Repair Advice helping you to save money on Auto Repairs. The hosts take your calls about any Automotive Questions and help guide you to a Repair Solution. If you need Car Repair Help to Make Your Own Do It Yourself Auto Repairs or just need a few Automotive Hints to help when you visit a shop, the guys will help you. The guys work in the Automotive Industry hands-on every day and want to pass their knowledge on to you. Questions on the show range from How To Fix Car Electrical, Heaters, Air Conditioning, Car Noises and vibrations, to Where To Get The Best Auto Insurance or Young Driver Tips. Thanks for tuning in and tuning up with the Motor Medics!

506 episodes