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Foundation Repair

When problems with your home's foundation arise, it can bring a variety of other issues along with it. Here's how our specialized solutions can repair your home's foundation to it's original stability.

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Get Your Foundation Repair from the Experts

Foundation repair is one of the key elements of home structural integrity. If you have a foundation concern, chances are you’re going to end up needing some element of foundation repair to get things back into shape. With high-quality foundation repair, you can have a home that’s just like new. Low-quality foundation repair can leave your home in shambles.

Clearly, it’s important to ensure you’ve gotten the best foundation repair out there. How do you make sure you’re only opting for high-quality foundation repair? It’s a good idea to know a little bit more about foundation repair as a whole and how it can benefit you. Here’s what you need to know so you can choose a high-quality foundation repair expert.

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Methods of Fixing Foundation Problems

How can you fix your foundation problems? Groundworks offers two main methods of fixing foundation concerns, with a variety of options that can help you permanently. 

The first method of foundation repairs is wall repair and reinforcement. Specifically, this comes into play when you have a basement that’s having foundation concerns. That can often turn into bowed basement walls, which you may need to reinforce. Your local foundation repair professionals offer three different methods of wall repair and reinforcement in this situation. 

If you’re thinking about the most effective ways to manage your basement walls, don’t just assume you can build an additional wall or add angled poles to hold your wall up. You need to make sure your basement walls actually have the strength and support they need to stand strong. These various fixes will help do just that.

  • Foundation Repair and Reinforcement

Whether you have a basement or not, there may be times where your foundation itself has sinking or settling concerns. In this situation, you may need to boost the foundation from underneath. Your local foundation repair professionals provide multiple fixes to help you boost the actual foundation itself. 

As you can see, these may have similar concepts, but they work best for different foundations and different problems. Every foundation is different, which means every foundation problem is different. When you have a problem with your foundation, you shouldn’t try to figure out the best fix on your own. Instead, you should call an expert that can give you information about the best fix for you.

Foundation Repair Solutions

FAQs About Foundation Repair

Foundation problems are not something that you can just leave alone. If you’re thinking about whether you can “keep an eye” on potential foundation problems, know that this will only make the problem worse. Your foundation problems won’t magically get better overnight. When you start to see the signs of foundation problems, that means you’ve caught the problem early, which is the ideal. It’s up to you to take the next step, which is to fix your foundation concerns proactively. When you do, you’ll avoid these problems turning into even more serious issues.

Foundation problems are pretty much always serious. Think about how you hear the word “foundation” used in your day to day life. Chances are, you hear the word “foundation” used to describe the basic building blocks of something. The same is true in a very literal sense in your home. Your home’s foundation is what ensures the safety and strength of every other element of the home. Without a strong, stable foundation, the rest of your home simply won’t function in its proper manner. That’s why it’s so important to fix every foundation problem as soon as you’ve uncovered it.

A foundation problem happens because of an underlying cause. It’s common for that underlying cause to be something related to the soil underneath the foundation, which can easily extend into the rest of the foundation. For example, if your foundation is settling because water is eroding the soil underneath the foundation, you may have excess water running through the soil on the property. That can also erode the soil underneath concrete in other areas of the property, leading to overarching foundation concerns you need to address.

If you love to handle DIY repairs, you might wonder whether or not you can just fix your foundation problems yourself. After all, you can probably do some painting, plastering, and even concrete pouring with products from your local big-box store. However, this isn’t the best option. Foundation problems run much deeper than the surface, and a DIY fix will only barely scratch that surface. Instead of trying to fix a problem and potentially making it worse, leave it to the experts from the start for the best result.

Foundation Repair Is Easier Than You’d Think with an Expert 

One of the reasons many people worry about foundation repair is because they’re concerned it’ll be difficult. This is an understandable fear, but when you have the help of an expert, it’s not that scary. You can schedule your free inspection with Groundworks today and learn firsthand how important it is to have an expert along for the ride. 

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