Tag archive for "YAML"

I have a few old Django projects still running MySQL/MariaDB. Getting docker-compose to work with MySQL images is a little tricky, as the database needs too much time to start up. Below is a configuration that starts one application host and one database host. /usr/bin/mysql is used for MariaDB because … more

List salt minions in template


Update: I revisited this topic recently and since there's the Salt Mine this can be done in better ways, check http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17158665/ for different approaches. This seems to be a common task with saltstack but I couldn't find a really good answer yet: How does one minion get a targeted list … more

Another scoop of Django testing


Two scoops of Django is a good book, and I recommend it to anyone who's working with Django. So when I finally got around to using travis-ci I turned to the packaging and testing chapters, but couldn't find anything that would really help me. Travis is a continuous integration service … more

Typo3 and the YAML vertical navigation


Using the YAML CSS framework to build TYPO3 templates is relatively easy if you have some experience with TYPO3. The only thing that wasn't obvious to me was how to integrate one of their navigation components, the vertical list navigation. But it turned out to be easy, you just need … more

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