Tag archive for "SEO"


I've dabbled in SEO and like the idea behind semantic markup.

Google spam


What's up

Opengraph images


Does any1 know if opengraph needs a separate image for every page?

are you supposed to use keywords in image alt text? does it hurt your google ranking? how many keyword refereneces …

Video and image sitemaps in Django


I recently added a sitemap to a site with many images and videos. Having the media files in the sitemap helps search engines to index them. I hadn't done this with Django before, so here are some notes. If you're not familiar with sitemaps in Django check out the official … more

fucking google site is down for couple of hours lost 50% of traffic sit eis down after 2 weeks for …

Django Webmaster Verification


Today I have released version 0.2.1 of django-webmaster-verification. I never took the time to write a post about it, so here you go. The Django application helps to quickly register with various webmaster tools like: Google Webmaster Tools Bing Webmaster Tools Yandex Webmaster Tools Majestic SEO Alexa These tools can … more

Facebook likes


I want to change my permalink structure, but I will lose my facebook like count. Any way to keep them?

Drupal SEO


I'm concerned that converting to a Drupal will cause a neg result in SEO... any thoughts?

Adult SEO


Hi guys, is SEO any different at all when doing it for an adult type website. I dont mean porn …

Is SEO a scam?


Why would SEO be a scam?

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