Tag archive for "Linux"


I started playing with computers on Apple DOS and later the Commodore 64's KERNAL/BASIC 2.0. When I went to university I got a Windows PC because that's what you were supposed to have at the time. Through dial-up I could access various flavors of UNIX and Solaris and finally started using Linux in the early 2000s. I was happy I had a found an OS that did what I wanted, not one that made me do things in a certain way.

Small changes to my arm salt install setup were needed on Debian Buster. more

Disk info I like to monitor disk usage from the command line using the df utility. However, the output can get overwhelming sometimes depending on the system. This is a tiny bash script I use as a df wrapper that does filtering, sorting and uses colors. It takes an argument nc to … more

Tux I run Debian unstable on a few machines and wanted to know if I was always running the latest kernel. I've added the script below to my shell startup. And then I went on and added it to some servers as well, after a few hundred days of uptime there … more

Light bulb I'm not sure how old I was when I fell in love with computers, but I remember what happened that day. I must have been nine or ten years old and was writing my first program on my father's Apple ][. Before that day I had only used computers for gaming which I had enjoyed very much, but this day changed everything. more

I have a vero 4k armhf box I wanted to do some programming on, and as I use salt to configure all my work machines I tried to install a salt minion. The problem is that the machine comes with a preinstall Debian stretch which only has an outdated salt … more

The pepperflashplugin-nonfree package in wheezy-backports is broken, as it downloads the flash plugin from the latest chrome release and installs it. The latest release links against libc6 2.14 which is not available in wheezy. https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=761184 https://lists.debian.org/debian-backports/2014/09/msg00051.html more

Using Wayland/Weston in Debian


As of today Weston is available in Debian sid/testing, and it is very usable, at least for me with an ATI card. I have been tinkering with it a bit. One of the things I did was to switch to a german keymap (see man 5 weston.ini and /usr/share/doc/weston/). Several … more

There were packages of salt 0.10.1 in backports but they were removed, and the only saltstack packages in Debian are now in unstable. However, building your own backport is quite easy. This assumes you have an up to date Debian squeeze install without any backported saltstack or other packages. Use … more

Installing Debian GNU/Linux on a Thinkpad X121e


Installing Debian GNU/Linux on a Thinkpad X121e Installing Debian (testing/wheezy) on the X121e (AMD) was pretty easy, but the documentation I found online was a little contradicting and confusing. I encountered a few problems. Ethernet Update: You can skip this section if you're using a Linux kernel 3.1.0 or newer. The Installation notes on the Debian Wiki … more

I recently moved my projects to gunicorn and needed init scripts. Here's what I'm currently using. I have the gunicorns running behind nginx, so you might want to tweak the IP and PORT settings. It might also be nice to use start-stop-daemon. more

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