Tag archive for "i3"

i3 window manager I recently switched to py3status to populate my i3bar. I had several scripts I wanted to call that generate some output for the bar. Below is an example how this can be accomplished. more

i3 window manager I use i3 with i3bar and sometimes I use external displays. When I do, I want to the systray to be on my primary monitor. I use the script below to reconfigure i3 on the fly. more

My i3 desktop Inspired by a comment on reddit I am sharing my screen locking configuration in this post, I use i3, xautolock and a custom lock script. more

i3 window manager I use a custom screen locking script together with xautolock for automatic locking and manual locking when needed. To prevent multiple i3lock instances from starting I use an atomically created mutex. The script has somewhat excessive logging that still remains from the time it was buggy. more

Dice I use the same script on multiple machines to pick a random desktop background and i3lock wallpaper. It performs a few sanity checks before running and selects an image from a directory based on the current screen size. more

I run multiple desktop environments, and they all come with their own screen locking tool. Sometimes I want to unlock a system remotely, that means from the command line. The script below can unlock mate, gnome and i3lock. more

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