Tag archive for "google"

Google spam


What's up

I recently added OTP authentication using pam_google_authenticator.so to most of my machines. It's non-trivial to set up, especially if you have system users with limited capabilities that need to be able to log in non-interactively, but all in all it feels good to have a little more security. When logging … more

One of my client uses google apps, so I use that account to send out mails with Django, which works just fine. However, google silently drops all error mails to the admins, for whatever reason you can't debug and will never hear anything about anyway. As those mails only go … more

fucking google site is down for couple of hours lost 50% of traffic sit eis down after 2 weeks for …

Django Webmaster Verification


Today I have released version 0.2.1 of django-webmaster-verification. I never took the time to write a post about it, so here you go. The Django application helps to quickly register with various webmaster tools like: Google Webmaster Tools Bing Webmaster Tools Yandex Webmaster Tools Majestic SEO Alexa These tools can … more

DjangoPythonBitcoinTuxDebianHTML5 badgeSaltStackUpset confused bugMoneyHackerUpset confused bugX.OrggitFirefoxWindowMakerBashIs it worth the time?i3 window managerWagtailContainerIrssiNginxSilenceUse a maskWorldInternet securityFontGnuPGThunderbirdJenkins