IT Cluster news


🔹What do we know about the offensive cyber attacks launched from Russia in this conflict?
🔹How can you stay safe as a civilian, or as a member of the IT Army?
🔹How should you think about online operational security during wartime?

We invite you to join Sombra's Online Cyber-Techtalk with world-renowned cybersecurity expert Mikko Hypponen, who supports Ukraine and has agreed to share his experience.

Mikko Hypponen is a renowned cybersecurity specialist with two decades of experience. Mikko has been with the antivirus company F-Secure since 1991. He has spent more than 25 years investigating cybercrime. He has also served as an advisor to the European Union’s police agency, EUROPOL.Mikko has been named one of the world's most influential individuals by PC World magazine.

📅 11.04
⏰ 18.00
🇬🇧 Meeting language: English
📃 Registration form - here
🔗 We will attach the link to the meeting on the day of the event!
💰 The event is free, but you can take part in accumulation funds for the needs of the Ukrainian army - here

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