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KasperskyLinux Mail Server Security

Designed for integration with a variety of Linux-based mail systems, Kaspersky Security for Linux Mail Server delivers security, flexibility and ease of management in a single application that includes cloud-assisted technologies.

Kaspersky Security 8 for Linux Mail Server provides next-generation email protection from known and unknown threats, including spam, phishing and malicious attachments. This is accomplished by multiple layers of machine learning-powered security, including multi-factor heuristic, sandboxing and reputation system for emails and attachments, which also achieves an extremely low rate of false positives.

  • Multi-layered anti-malware capabilities

    • Improved! Advanced antivirus engine – cloud-assisted via the Kaspersky Security Network

      Kaspersky Security for Linux Mail Server includes the latest version of Kaspersky’s award-winning anti-malware engine. Furthermore, it receives real-time information from the cloud-based Kaspersky Security Network (KSN) – so you benefit from a Linux mail server antivirus solution that delivers even better performance in detecting and removing malicious attachments from incoming emails including exploits, unknown and advanced malware.

    • New! Web malicious URL filter – cloud-assisted via the Kaspersky Security Network

      With real-time updates from the cloud, Kaspersky’s Web malicious URL filter blocks emails that include links to infected sites or malicious files.

    • Detection of malicious macros/ActiveX controls in Office files

      Embedding malicious scripts into Office files is a popular technique used by extremely dangerous specimen such as ExPetr / Petya / NotPetya. Kaspersky’s next-generation anti-malware provides effective protection against such threats.

    Anti-spam and content filtering

    • Improved! Anti-spam engine

      Kaspersky’s anti-spam engine includes two powerful technologies:

      Enforced Anti-Spam Updates Service (EASUS) – which uses push technology, directly from the cloud-based Kaspersky Security Network, to deliver real-time updates. By reducing the ‘update window’ from 20 minutes to less than 1 minute, EASUS helps to protect against Zero-Hour spam and spam epidemics.

      Cloud-assisted Reputation Filtering – can ‘rate’ suspicious emails, place them in quarantine and then recheck them when updated information becomes available. This helps to defend you against unknown spam – while also reducing the number of false positives.

    • New! Cloud-assisted anti-phishing

      Kaspersky’s new anti-phishing module receives real-time updates from the cloud-based Kaspersky Security Network – for more effective detection and blocking of emails that contain links to phishing websites.

    • New! Mass mail detection

      You can easily set policies to block unwanted mass mail from reaching your end users.

    • New! Anti-spam quarantine

      Suspicious messages are placed in the anti-spam quarantine, managed from the web interface. These messages can be reviewed later.

    • New! Spam Confidence Level rating

      For organizations using MS Exchange, the Spam Confidence Level (SCL) rating, which lets users define actions for messages according to SCL thresholds, is now included.

    • Improved character support

      Supports internationalized (non-Latin) characters in email addresses.

    • New! Unicode domain spoofing detection

      Kaspersky Security 8 for Linux Mail Server now detects messages containing Unicode spoofing, which uses Unicode symbols visually resembling proper characters used in legitimate mail addresses and URLs.

    • New! Multi-layered archive protection

      Kaspersky Security 8 for Linux Mail Server now recognizes and blocks certain types of files within archives and compound objects, providing detection inside multi-layered archives widely used by scammers.

    Integration support

    • Integration with most popular MTAs – including Postfix, Sendmail, Exim and qmail

      You can choose the method of integration, depending on your Mail Transfer Agent (MTA) – so you can integrate as a plug-in or a Milter API.

    • Anti-virus command line file scanner

      The Kaspersky Anti-Virus On-Demand Scanner allows on-demand virus checking of objects – including directories, regular files and devices such as hard drives, flash drives and DVD-ROMs.

    • AMaViS (A Mail Virus Scanner)

      Kaspersky Security for Linux Mail Server supports integration with Linux mail systems using the high-performance AMaViS interface.

    • New! Integration with Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack Platform

      Kaspersky Security 8 for Linux Mail Server can be integrated with KATA – Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack Platform. After integration, the application can send copies of messages to KATA for scanning. Based on the results of the KATA scan, the application can then block individual messages.

      Suspicious messages are placed in the KATA quarantine, managed from the web interface.

    • New! Integration with Kaspersky Private Security Network

      For those organizations that cannot participate in Kaspersky Security Network (KSN), Kaspersky Security 8 for Linux Mail Server can now integrate with Kaspersky Private Security Network (KPSN).

      After integration with KPSN, the application can use the KSN reputation databases locally, benefitting from the latest, globally acquired threat intelligence - without sending any data outside the organization.

    At-a-glance monitoring and flexible reporting

    • New! Integration with Kaspersky Security Center

      Kaspersky’s easy-to-use management console, Kaspersky Security Center, gives you the ability to monitor security for all your Linux mail servers – including clusters – from a single console. If a security incident occurs, the system administrator will automatically be informed about the affected server and the cause of the issue.

    • New! Support for help desk function

      Help desk specialists can now access a user’s backup and personal denylists/allowlists – via a standard web interface, without disturbing system administrators or end users.

    • Improved! Dashboard

      The web dashboard provides an at-a-glance view of status and monitoring, including information about the most recently found malware.

    • Full support for SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol)

      SNMP support lets you monitor any type of event, using SNMP events and traps.

    • Web and CLI management

      You can choose your method of application management – using the Web console or command line interface (CLI).

    • Detailed, flexible reporting in PDF format

      Customisable reports help you to monitor and analyse your security and policies.

    • Notification system

      Administrators and document owners are informed about policy violation incidents – so immediate action can be taken.

    • Detailed logs

      Detailed information about all product actions is automatically recorded – to help you to identify the cause of a problem.

    • New! Expanded helpdesk capabilities

      Generate an archive of information about the operation of Kaspersky Security 8 for Linux Mail Server to send to Kaspersky Technical Support.

      Authorized Helpdesk account users can access application performance reports.


    • New! Extended notification

      Schedule and configure notifications to users about the results of their scanned messages. Notifications contain a list of the latest messages in Backup.

    • New! SIEM integration

      For those using SIEM systems, the logs can now be generated in Common Event Format (CEF), enriching your picture of corporate security with mail-related events.

    Easy to install and maintain

    • Simple installation

      Kaspersky Security for Linux Mail Server is delivered as a set of OS-specific installation packages – and a special, post-installation script makes it easy to deploy the application and integrate it with an existing mail system.

    • Active Directory and OpenLDAP integration

      Integration helps you in setting up rules and policies. Communication between Kaspersky Security for Linux Mail Server and LDAP server can be encrypted using TLS or SSL.

    • Rich email traffic management rules

      Kaspersky makes it easy for you to implement group-based scanning policies and rules.

    • IPv6 support

      You can use IPv6 naming for Internet addresses, when creating traffic rules.

    • Scalable architecture

      The entire system can be easily migrated from a test server to a production environment, so you can thoroughly test the system before you roll it out.

    • Simple to update

      In addition to running manual updates – for the antivirus, anti-spam and anti-phishing modules technologies – you can also specify rules for fully automatic updates.

    Licensing and subscription management

    • New! Expanded application licensing capabilities

      Kaspersky Security 8 for Linux Mail Server can be activated with an activation code. The product can also be licensed by subscription.

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