Tammie Lister


Design, artist, experience creator. WordPress contributor, previously . Passionate about open source. Often found drinking tea. she/her

Csatlakozott 2006. december


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  1. aug. 31.

    Inspired by the trilogy wrote of posts, I mused why standardisation is needed for business, productivity, and sheer sensibility in WordPress themes

  2. retweetelte
    aug. 30.

    I wrote a three-part series on standardizing WordPress theme.json color slugs, font size slugs and site spacing. Let’s start making themes that act more like themes. Start here:

  3. retweetelte
    aug. 27.

    We've done it again! and I got another episode out: - Kudos to for inspiration

  4. retweetelte
    aug. 22.

    I finished this week's full site editing update about color options in theme.json, and it is massive: You probably want to use it as a reference rather than reading it all in one go.

  5. aug. 22.

    I’ve clicked publish for over 30 days now, thanks to the challenge set by . It has been fantastic for me, and I wrote about it and what I plan to do next: . Spoiler I will continue to click publish but not just writing every day.

  6. aug. 20.

    If you want an example of try enough times and it will happen… today I managed to work out crochet double stitch and turning. Feeling very happy unlocked another yarn craft. 🧶

  7. retweetelte
    aug. 20.

    Posted some brief thoughts on what I think are the cooler aspects of theme.json:

  8. aug. 19.

    I spoke at WordPress Cheltenham meetup yesterday suggesting we ‘Let themes be themes’. You can find the transcript and video here:

  9. aug. 17.

    I keep finding so many good resources around WordPress themes lately I created a repo to collect them all:

  10. retweetelte
    aug. 17.

    Had a nice chat last week with Michael Schneider on his new podcast, Tell Me About blocks. We talk blocks, themes, theme.json, futuristic concepts, the whole lot —

  11. aug. 16.

    Want to switch custom palettes and a range of styling features, on or off in . Controlling styling support states is possible through theme.json. I took a little look at this powerful feature here:

  12. aug. 14.

    Set play spaces in a workspace have implications. I think it's important to be sensitive and think about how incorporated. I wrote a little about that here, inspired by the podcast this week.

  13. aug. 12.
  14. aug. 11.

    The new design tools are exciting in WordPress, and it's easy to want them all now. However, patience is also needed. I wrote about this mindset:

  15. aug. 10.

    I decided to dive into the WordPress Gutenberg plugin block.json files to see what block support goodies lied within. Then I begun to document this in a table, just a light format as this is changing:

  16. aug. 9.

    Today I am having fun with group block borders in WordPress:

  17. aug. 6.

    The terms we use can confuse; when people interact with the WordPress editor, it's all content to them, and that's ok. People see content not terms, and we should observe them more:

  18. aug. 4.

    I had the most amazing afternoon experimenting with botanical sketching and watercolors. Time off lately is about creative recharging and this was a perfect thing to do just that. Hat tip to for the course recommendation.

  19. aug. 4.

    It’s easy to think we all communicate the same, we don’t and it’s critical to think outside our communication: .

  20. aug. 3.

    Patterns in WordPress empower. I actually think more than blocks and here is why:


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