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How to Fix the Internet: New Episode: Your Tax Dollars At Work

Electronic Frontier Foundation
The leading nonprofit defending
digital privacy, free speech,
and innovation.

The leading nonprofit defending digital privacy, free speech, and innovation.

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Google Fights Dragnet Warrant for Users’ Search Histories Overseas While Continuing to Give Data to Police in the U.S.

Google is fighting back against a Brazilian court order to turn over data on all users who searched for specific terms, including the name of a well-known elected official and a busy downtown thoroughfare. (Brief in Portuguese / English*) While we applaud Google for challenging this digital dragnet...

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Podcast Episode: Your Tax Dollars At Work

Democracy means allowing everyday people to have their voices heard on public matters involving their communities. One of the goals of civic technology is to allow a more diverse group of people to have input on government affairs through the use of technology and the internet. Beth Noveck, author of...

Anatomy of an Android Malware Dropper

Recently at EFF’s Threat Lab, we’ve been focusing a lot on the Android malware ecosystem and providing tools for its analysis. We’ve noticed lot of samples of Android malware in the tor-hydra family have surfaced, masquerading as banking apps to lure unsuspecting customers into installing them. In this...

¿Quién defiende tus datos?

Los ISP colombianos muestran un compromiso constante con la privacidad de los usuarios, pero siguen existiendo importantes lagunas de transparencia

Las principales empresas de Internet y telefonía móvil de Colombia siguieron manteniendo un alto nivel de transparencia sobre sus prácticas de privacidad, y continuaron implementando las mejores prácticas para proteger los datos de los clientes, la libre expresión y la seguridad en 2021. Sin embargo, se enfrentaron a los desafíos...

Digital Rights Updates with EFFector 34.2

Want the latest news on your digital rights? Well, you're in luck! Version 34, issue 2 of our EFFector newsletter is out now. Catch up on the latest EFF news by reading our newsletter or listening to the new audio version below. This issue covers stories from our opposition of...

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