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Tuesday, April 5, 2022, 0925 (UTC)
Fire destroys central market in Somaliland's capital
Fire destroys central market in Somaliland's capital

On Friday, a fire broke out in the Waheen Market in the capital of Somaliland, Hargeisa. At least 28 people were injured.

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Russia withdraws from Chernobyl in Ukraine
Russia withdraws from Chernobyl in Ukraine

Thursday, Ukraine reported, and the IAEA confirmed Russian forces had withdrawn from the disused Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant, the site of the world's worst nuclear disaster in 1986.

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Russia threatens Wikipedia with 4 million ruble fine for coverage of war in Ukraine
Russia threatens Wikipedia with 4 million ruble fine for coverage of war in Ukraine

On Thursday, the Russian communication agency, Roskomnadzor, threatened to levy a 4 million rubles fine (US$47 thousand) against Wikipedia if it does not remove information about the war in Ukraine.

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Victoria approves Delburn wind power farm in Australia
Victoria approves Delburn wind power farm in Australia

A proposal for a 33-turbine wind farm within a pine tree plantation near the Gippsland town of Delburn in Australia was approved by Victorian planning minister Richard Wynne on March 27, though first reported late on Tuesday.

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Indian Prime Minister Modi attends 5th BIMSTEC summit virtually
Indian Prime Minister Modi attends 5th BIMSTEC summit virtually

On Wednesday, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi attended the fifth Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation summit hosted virtually hosted by Sri Lanka.

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